I finally set some time aside to work on the rx. I decided to tackle a lot the misc smaller projects i have going on the car. (the rear end, brakes, roll bar, etc).
I finished up the 8.8 / DSS axle install first. my 3:27's had some excessive wear, so i bought a set of 3:31's from a friend.
The mazda 4:10's were sucking, this will be much better.

Once the rear was in, I started on the Samberg rollbar. It was a tight enough fit that I starting worry about it not bolting up
A few hours and some patience got it done. This is one install that would have been easier/faster with a second set of hands.

Due to the rear subframe being out, the brakes needed to be bled so today i did some brake work.
I decided to flush the entire system with ATE super blue.
It feels good to have the back half of the car together.