Everything brake related is factory. 86 gxl 4pot. I noticed yesterday it seemed I had to push a lot further on the pedal to get brake response. It was late and dark so I waited until this morning to check it out. The mc was close to empty. I topped it off a month or two ago just for the hell of it while doing an oil change, so I know it WAS full. I took all the wheels off and inspected the lines/bleeders. Everything is dry. I searched the "club" and here, read something about the fluid can leak out the back of the mc into the booster? The strange thing is the brakes seemed fine when I parked it, then bad after sitting. Brakes still work but they slowly fade and I have to keep applying pressure to stop at the same rate. How can I tell if the mc has a leak?
Thought I ask if anyone has been through this or if this is a common fc poblem and I overlooked something.
Anyways, thanks for the help