Managed to squeeze in another track day to get some laps and see how the updated intake...which is just a 90mm straight from filter to intake, so nothing fancy. I didn't have time to get the saws out and cut the cowl out like the image I put together, but it was far better than before with the choked single plane. With the cowl cut out, I'll find a way to duct around the intake for some cleaner air in/out. I'm still a bit on the fence to just get a different hood completely too, but one thing at a time.
All business as usual with the intake, but my MAF halfway to the track started to not read "MAF low voltage" so that plus rain meant a few spins from sudden loss and then full power on track. And yes, I know the MAF is not currently connected in the picture below hehe. I think one of the connections from extending the wire is not giving enough signal, so I'll pull the harness apart and test each wire out until the check-engine light goes out and idle comes back down to 700-850RPM like normal. Not a big deal at all to sort out.

Right before the sky opened and the rain never stopped. A terrible lapping day, but better than my usual day behind a computer heh.

Some good news was that with the temperatures not being insane, T56 was playing ball all day. All gears, all the time! Power steering hates 100TW tires still, but the KRC unit will come in the off season to cover that. R888r in heavy rain is pretty underivable, even on the highway at regular speeds it was pretty squirmy with such a light car.
Some not so good news, mid way through not the best corner to lose all your power to one back wheel - I lost all power to one back wheel! HAH! I don't know what is broken exactly, but I was able to make it home without the assistance of a flatbed. I think my automatic rear end and drive shafts finally reached the end of their life folks, amazing it held out this long I say.
- heard a big bang
- imitate loss of power to one side
- wonderful metal on metal sound from behind
- REALLY loud constant wine sound from drive shaft or shafts which is where something is dead I think
I've got a Carbonetics 1.5 way diff that has been sitting on a shelf for 10 years, it seems that it is time. I may pair it with the Greddy diff cover as it has the nice provisions for a diff cooler, I'll be scoping out the club to see if one pops up. Does anyone have a recommendation for drive shaft kits for oem rear end?
Saw this one, but I have never ordered from them. Anyone have any experience with Banzai-Racing? -