This is my work environment, although today I pretty much stayed in the garage most of the day.

So I took the front suspension apart friday, so I have to fix and clean up the steering rack, K member, and brakes. I got the brakes done first.
Heres a before and after cleaning with brake clean an wire wheel.

I decided to use the 'brush on' style caliper paint this time around. I have used the rattle can option plenty of times before with success, but I have been wanting to see how this works out. Heres the kit I got from AutoZone.

The second caliper I did looks 2x better than the first. The directions say to use light coats, but I found out on the second caliper that the paint evens out better nice and wet. I decided not to do the back where the line and bleeder are. I took the time to clean up the slider pins as well.

While those were drying I started cleaning up the K memebr. I should have taken a before picture. Used a putty knife, brake clean, lots of rags, and wire wheel. This took up most of my day, what a PITA. It will get duplicolor black caliper paint for durability when I get the chance.

I picked up a can of chrysler red paint to repair what the leaky master cylinder damaged. I just did a quick spray with no primer to see how close the color is.

Looks good so now I gotta sand all that down, primer, then get a good 3 coats or so on it.
Heres a pic of why radiators seem to fit, when sometimes they look way too high. The hood has a large dent on the inside to clear it. This is a steel NA hood, not sure about the others.

Steering shaft all fixed up. Im leaving the boots off, they were ugly as crap.

And heres some of my suspension parts. K member still needs paint, and I need to find the mounts for my Racingbeat sway bar.

Since I have an s5, the ball joints can not be replaced. So I have to find a set of s4 controls arms to clean up, put in new ball joints, and install my poly bushings. I didnt get a chance to clean up the steering rack yet, but I think Ill be getting to that thursday.
Anyone know where to get new bushings for the steering rack? Mine are toast.