Took the car to Beech Bend today. Got there late...almost too late. TNT is from 12-5 and I got there at 3:45(family stuff comes first) put my slicks on, (they are announcing final call for TNT) nobody is at tech,... they've gone home. Too cold for them I guess.(40 degrees) I drive up to the staging lanes and they have me go up in the tower to sign the safety wavier, I leave my car running to put some heat in the motor. They tell me " I only get one pass as they are going to shut down because of the temp, keep your money".

Just then the song "Lose yourself" by Eminem starts playing in my head as I strap in the car . I do a good burn out, stage,tree comes down, I drop the hammer at 5300, shift at 6200, instead of 6000. Then heres where thing get a little hairy, at the top of third the car is really moving around "tramming" I think its called. I can take a little, but this was more than what I had experienced before so at the 1/8 mile mark I lifted slighty recovered so I nail it again and power thru 4th. For those who drag race, you know all this happened in milliseconds. Anyway I crossed the line thinking well this won't be a good time, hoping that it will still be in the 11's.
Well imagine my surprise when I got this...a new personal best .
60' 1.61
330 4.66
1/8 7.24 @96.65 MPH
1000 9.54
1/4 11.45 @ 120.51 MPH
Note didn't get to raise my rev limiter so stuck at 120 MPH.