Thanks kids. I'll look in to see if there's anyone local that could do it. On another note, I have a weird problem. The car was running fine before the hood incident. I started back up today for a test drive. Here is the problem.
Engine off: All gears engage fine. The MGW shifter goes into all 6 gears and reverse no problem.
Engine ON, Car NOT moving: Press in the clutch and all gears except 2nd and 3rd will not go in. It feels like something is locking it from going in.
Note: I can start in 2nd and 3rd fine, shifts out of 2nd and 3rd fine, as soon as the shifter sees neutral, it will not go back in to 2nd or 3rd.
Engin ON and car moving: Everything is fine. As soon as the car starts to move, shifter enters all gears no problem.
I thought it was bleeding. I bled the slave and the Master for like a hour and no bubbles. Feels stiffer than a witch's tits on a cold morning.
Any thoughts? It's been a while but I did see a solenoid like unit on the transmission next to the shifter not having a plug. I couldn't remember if there was anything connected to this unit. The funny thing is it was working fine until the car was parked. But they all say that right? Anyhoo, thoughts?