Nasa Championships Info. Daytona
I changed classes to run ST4 hoping the added power would make up for no aero and the harder, crappier Toyo RR. Man this tire is absolute trash compared to purple crack. I just couldn't get the feel for it. I broke the stock TKX shifter in the friday qualifying. Went home, made parts to kinda fix it, and made it back to the track to watch my Friday race group head out on track. 10 more minutes and I would have been back together.
Broken shifter, those 4 pieces on the top should be 2, and that is all that holds the shifter assembly together.

Fortunately it was Friday so on my 30 min trip home I called American Powertrain and had them overnight sat delivery a "White Lightning" shifter. It is a far, far superior shifter to the stock one.
I was off pace all weekend unfortunately. I should have just stayed in ST3, where I have always run the car. In the championship race I noticed the hood moving more than normal so I decided to pull off since I was just turning laps by myself. Good thing I did, I may have lost a windshield, roof or more.

Broken Aero hood pin was the culprit.
The past few months I have been debating on selling this car and building something else. I just don't have the funds to do that. Jan 2022 will mark 10 years this has been a running car, my first autox was April 2012 and first track day was May 2012. Plus I like to have something different so I am still making changes to try and make it better. After the major rebuild last winter, this winter I am changing some things up front by moving the radiator, air intake, and removing some front end weight to get the balance better.

That is all for now. I did actually buy a car in June to tune more towards autocross, since this with the baby clutch is no fun to drive in parking lots lol.