Some basic rules for the For Sale Sections:
1. You must post a price. You can "OBO" if you wish, but a price MUST be posted.
2. You must post a location for the item for sale.
3. Do not post a link to your eBay ad. If it's for sale here, it's for sale here.
4. Dibs mean nothing unless the buyer/seller agree to some type of terms. Calling "Dibs" is a free bump, but nothing more.
5. Try not to needlessly harass sellers. Constantly posting that an item is "too expensive" is not necessary. If it is out of price range, a polite comment or a PM is all that is necessary.
6. Unless they have done something to lose that privilege, all sellers can moderate their own threads in this section. Don't ask a mod to clean up your for sale thread, you can do it yourself! If you're too stupid or lazy to read these rules and figure this out, well, that's your problem, huh?

7. Don't bump your thread excessively, 2-3 times a week is plenty.
If you have a problem with a transaction on the forum, please contact myself or one of the other moderators via PM.