Yes Iv been tuning in open loop, as soon as I let it go into closed loop it idles stoich just fine. Its extremely annoying. Im having it tuned in a week, but the closer I can get it the better. I started back with my base tune and kinda back to square one. Idles very rich. Only leans up to about 13.5 reducing VE super super lean. Tried adjusting injector offsets, SPA etc with no gain. Put my min PW and default PW back to 1.1 because thats what the data says. Before with .593 it would start up really lean then go down to stoich for awhile and inevitably get down to around 12.5. I havn't messed with boundary timing yet but Iv read it can be raised with good results on bigger cams often?
Should I try adding some timing? Is there anything else I may not know about really that could help? Try disabling pretty much any modifier table? ugh