March 16, 2025, 02:30:21 PM

Author Topic: FC3S Part Out S4 Turbo II Diff, S5 Black Interior, S5 Tail lights. . .MORE  (Read 15324 times)

Offline willcoop

Offline mayhamfx

Bump for a potential hall of fame thread
90 Vert 5.3 / T-5   Back on the road.
"To save time let's just assume I know everything!"
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Offline BeasTT

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Is the stuff still for sale? I'm interested in some of it
Nick Shultz

1993 Rx-7
371ci, Twin Billet 6265's, Twin A2W's, ProEFI 128, RacePak IQ3,
McLeod RXT, Speedfab 8.8 solid axle, QA1s, FIC 2150cc, Magnafuel 4303

Offline RXTC

I wish he'd reply :D

Offline RX7what

I still don't understand the mounts situation. Is he asking $250 for the poly Fbody engine mounts? That seems really high to me.

95 FD #496/499 LS2

Norotors is far and away the best car forum on the Internet, bar none.

Offline digitalsolo

I still don't understand the mounts situation. Is he asking $250 for the poly Fbody engine mounts? That seems really high to me.

I think it was a Hinson kit including those poly mounts.    That's what I was trying to get him to explain when he threw the temper tantrum.

Unrelated, I'm very proud of myself, I read the Latin in your sig without Google.  :D
Blake MF'ing McBride
1988 Mazda RX7 - Turbo LS1/T56/ProEFI/8.8/Not Slow...   sold.
1965 Mustang Coupe - TT Coyote, TR6060, modern brakes/suspension...
2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage - Gen V LT4/TR6060, upper/lower pullies, headers, tune.
2021 Tesla Model 3 Performance - Stock...ish.

Offline cool


Offline BeasTT

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Really interested in some of this stuff. Cash in waistband ready to be spent
Nick Shultz

1993 Rx-7
371ci, Twin Billet 6265's, Twin A2W's, ProEFI 128, RacePak IQ3,
McLeod RXT, Speedfab 8.8 solid axle, QA1s, FIC 2150cc, Magnafuel 4303

Offline RXTC

its on Ebay :P

Offline voetsek

Boy is he proud of his shit. I guess he needs to recoup the cost of that kick ass hot gold paint work on his car.


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What a megadouche.

I serve my country too.

I am not asking anyone to be nice to me though cause of it.

Offline FabChild

WOW this was really funny! I love this forum haha
1987 TurboII
Dynasty 200SD
CoolMate1... :D