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Author Topic: The other "supercharging the FC" thread  (Read 21628 times)

Offline FCs Rule

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #45 on: May 31, 2011, 10:48:31 PM »
my God man!!! that is freaking sweet!! i am so jealous!! if you don't mind me asking how much did that all cost you for the procharger and so on
|.....Overnight.....................| ||
|........Japan Parts................||'|";,___.

hate to say it but i told you so!

Offline mwatson185

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #46 on: June 01, 2011, 02:11:01 PM »
Man that setup looks great--nice work.

Your injectors might be a limiting factor for now, but your air filter is probably the next-weakest link.  I can't really tell by the angle, but do you have any room to fit a filter with some more surface area?

Again, that setup looks badass.


Offline frijolee

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #47 on: June 01, 2011, 06:38:23 PM »
Hey Jeremiah,

Sweet car fella.  I dig it, especially the blacked out intercooler.  Couple questions:

-Did you do anything in the way of supporting internal mods to help in handling the boost? 
-What's the radiator setup to help handle the extra heat? 
-What's your driving impressions with the pro-charger?  Smooth enough power band to take on a road course?

LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline fox4life

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #48 on: June 01, 2011, 07:38:59 PM »
Hey thanks for the compliments everyone. to answer a few questions:

the entire setup total was under 3000, that being said, the main components were all purchased used so there is always a degree of risk going that route. fingers crossed as I haven't had any issues with the parts so far.

the filter issue will definitely be addressed, just looking at that thing pisses me off, but I needed something quick to get it up and running.

as for supporting motor mods, that's where its a bit scarce, lol. it does have katech rod bolts, but otherwise the bottom end is factory. im. currently running 110 octane,and only 7-8 lbs on a fairly conservative tune. im just trying to make this motor last till the end of summer.
the radiator is the koyo aluminum replacement and a Taurus e-fan, its completely shrouded and ducted. I have my doubts about the radiator tho, time will tell.

the procharger is awesome so far, its a very linear powerband, almost like its not even there. nothing like the peaky big turbo rotary I had before. im very happy with it so far.

ill post a complete mod list soon, been very busy lately.

Offline fox4life

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #49 on: June 01, 2011, 07:56:16 PM »
oh, and criticism is welcome as well, im still just learning and 95% of everything done is by me in my home garage, so im by no means a professional at this. so fire away so I know what to fix!  :D

Offline mwatson185

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #50 on: June 01, 2011, 09:51:40 PM »
I hate to put numbers on this type of thing, but you should be safe around the 500-550 hp mark semi-long term.  I wouldn't push it too much harder than that.  Do you have plans for a forged internal iron block or ls2?

Offline fox4life

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2011, 10:52:42 PM »
Yea, a forged bottom end is the plan as of right now.  For now I'm turning my attention to the rear end because I am currently sitting on the side of the road awaiting a tow back home due to a broken stock t2 diff. 2-3 shift+wheel hop=big bang and gear oil all over the road. LOL. Independent 8.8 is in the works, but when I get this home and torn apart ill be taking pictures of the carnage.

Offline mwatson185

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #52 on: June 05, 2011, 01:15:14 PM »
If you aren't breaking things you aren't making enough power.

I'm in the middle of sourcing parts and reading through the 14 page "the real skinny" thread for an 8.8 as well.

Offline zbrown

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #53 on: June 05, 2011, 02:33:50 PM »
Breaking things gets old

Offline BAD-LSX-7

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Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #54 on: June 05, 2011, 05:26:38 PM »
love it! sounds great! maes me want a SC something  :halo:
>:( >:(2012>:( >:(

Offline FC3S Murray

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2011, 11:54:12 PM »
MAN What a BADASS FC!  To be honest, supercharging is my next stage for my FC down the road when I get tired of my NA set up and put in a 8.8 rear end.
Very big props to what you have built. GREAT numbers and it looks sooo good in S4 trim. Keep the molding black, it gives it character and is great contrast.   plus I think widebody FC's all in one color with matching trim look odd.

13 years of abuse and still running STRONG!

SRM Performance Tuning LLC

Offline mwatson185

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #56 on: June 07, 2011, 04:14:58 PM »
Breaking things gets old

Allow me to correct.  If you aren't breaking STOCK parts you aren't making enough power.

Fox, what route are you going to go with for the 8.8?


Offline mefarri

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #57 on: June 07, 2011, 10:54:30 PM »
You need a bigger fuel pump and air filter.  Other than that,  Everything looks great!
"I'm not sure what your intent was because I don't speak "dumbshit", but next time, start your own thread. "


"Otherwise it looks like something I can build over a weekend, if I spent the first day watching TV."

-Blake motherfucking McBride

Offline fox4life

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #58 on: June 12, 2011, 02:14:16 PM »
For the 8.8 im going with the cradle that Ronin is developing, Im going to be another "test" car for them. Hoping for the best with this because the t2 diff lasted a measly 3 hours of drive time before it decided to blow itself apart internally.  :scratch:

The fuel pump setup is still up in the air right now. Im thinking a dual walbro setup run off a hobbs switch and new/bigger lines from the tank to the fuel rails with 60 lb injectors should work just fine. The air filter will be trashed ASAP, just waiting on the bigger k&N to get here.

But here are a couple very unprofessional pictures just for the heck of it.  :cheers: More/better videos will be coming once its back on the road. Ill have to get a video from in front of the car while just cruising because with the race bypass it sounds like a 747 taxiing down the road lol.


Offline FC3S Murray

Re: The other "supercharging the FC" thread
« Reply #59 on: June 12, 2011, 04:59:15 PM » that thing is just sex!! 

13 years of abuse and still running STRONG!

SRM Performance Tuning LLC