Hey thanks for the compliments everyone. to answer a few questions:
the entire setup total was under 3000, that being said, the main components were all purchased used so there is always a degree of risk going that route. fingers crossed as I haven't had any issues with the parts so far.
the filter issue will definitely be addressed, just looking at that thing pisses me off, but I needed something quick to get it up and running.
as for supporting motor mods, that's where its a bit scarce, lol. it does have katech rod bolts, but otherwise the bottom end is factory. im. currently running 110 octane,and only 7-8 lbs on a fairly conservative tune. im just trying to make this motor last till the end of summer.
the radiator is the koyo aluminum replacement and a Taurus e-fan, its completely shrouded and ducted. I have my doubts about the radiator tho, time will tell.
the procharger is awesome so far, its a very linear powerband, almost like its not even there. nothing like the peaky big turbo rotary I had before. im very happy with it so far.
ill post a complete mod list soon, been very busy lately.