No, been waiting on some parts.
Turns out that fuel was left in the tank for the last... 12 years, so it's a little (okay, really, really) nasty. Swapping in a fresh tank and new pump/sender. Also waiting on an oil pressure sender (for stock gauges) and a power steering pump.
I did get the brackets from Granny's for the alternator/power steering and mocked those up, as well as got the balancer installed, water temp sender installed, battery installed and power back in the chassis to test the electronics systems. Also did the Integra speedometer swap and wired that up, as well as the tach recal for the V6.
Tonight I'm planning to wire the alternator and starter, drop the leads for the HEI, oil pressure, water temp, choke, and cooling fans, and finish cleaning the bay and sorting the wiring.
I still need to hook up the return fuel lines, build shifter linkage (stock shifter arm is modified now though) and build the exhaust. Gotta get my welder and bandsaw back from BeasTT first. Should be able to get through most of that this weekend. If parts come in it should be running in the next week or so. Then it's a driveshaft (and less dangerous tires) away from being on the street.