Riddle me this Batman...
No spark, so no start.
Pez is giving me things to check, but nothing is jumping out so far. We have 12 volts on the pink wires at ignition on, and close to 10 volts when cranking. Pez is very patient, because he must feel like he is talking theoretical physics with a three-year-old. Damn, I knew that I should have paid more attention in that stupid EE class in college. My electrical guru/CPU programmer doesn't see any codes. He said the CPU is set up for an automatic (I have a T56). The harness is from a manual car, would that be an issue? He didn't have the file available to switch the CPU to a manual, but will get that loaded in his laptop tonight. We might try to mess with it tomorrow some more.
Minor setback. Take it to a radiator shop and they can patch it up quick.
Sucks though.
No radiator shops are open today, or the ones that are open won't repair an aluminum radiator. Looks like that will have to wait until Monday. I also need to hear back from Hinson about the radiator. It is something that should be able to be repaired, so minor setback or not, it still bites.
aghhh shitty man. I too had cooling issues when i was about to start....my radiator was missing a water level sensor.
Anyway dont let run too long man...would suck to fuck the heads up just because of impatience.
If the engine does get started, it will be short so things don't get hot. Like Sean said, it would suck to mess things up because of being impatient.