My Build Thread: 87 Base model 2+2, SBC 350, T5 *I DROVE IT!!!* by Dr1ft1ng0wns on 05 May, 2010 18:53
i've been making some progress with my build, so i figured it was time to start a build thread. i'll get some more pics tomorow, but so far i have:
t5 trans out of an 84 1/2 camaro (non wc)
old smoking sbc 350 out of a 92 suburban (for mach up purposes)
and the shell: 87 se 2+2 in white, great condition and rust free.
i am building all of my own mounts, and have the motor mounts finished. (for now) and i am working on the trans crossmember. i have the power steering rack in. this car is going to be a dd/ occasional track car.sorry for the bad pics, will get better ones tomorow. this build will be very slow, being 15 and not having any source of income does that to a build.
Update: got the pics of the shifter hole line up, not too bad, but not perfect
Update: started working on the "new" (relative term) engine. stock 350 out of an 85 suburban with 106,xxx miles. all and any emissions equipment removed. i have an edelbrock performer rpm intake ready to go on, as soon as i bead blast it to clean it up, along with chrome valve covers. as i said, i'm planning to keep A/C, and P/S, but the stock ac pump basically sits on top of the engine and the hose come straight out of the top of that, so it's stock location is not going to work. i'm tempted to just build brackets for the stock a/c pump due to it's smaller size, but we'll see. anyway, heres the engine:(don't worry, i'm cleaning it up before i put it in)
Update: Decided to add the video to the first page. My dad is driving in the video, but i had to play a little too. Ignore my excited girl laughs.
#1 by Dr1ft1ng0wns on 08 May, 2010 15:30
#2 by Dr1ft1ng0wns on 17 May, 2010 19:57
#3 by bikedad on 20 May, 2010 22:32
Good luck with the build.
Nice to see young blood being creative. Once you get it on the road you'll be glad you did it. -
#4 by Dr1ft1ng0wns on 20 May, 2010 23:00
lol thanks. i figured you would post after i banned you for it.
#5 by Yarp on 23 May, 2010 10:31
Interesting. I'm building an 88 GTU 2+2 conversion 305 TPI T-5. We should face similar challenges. I'll keep an eye on your thread.
What headers are you using? -
#6 by bikedad on 23 May, 2010 15:15
#7 by Dr1ft1ng0wns on 24 May, 2010 22:42
i'm using some block huggers. some people call them ram horns, they're right next to the block and exit straight down. basically these but black:
#8 by Dr1ft1ng0wns on 06 Jul, 2010 15:00
#9 by Dr1ft1ng0wns on 06 Jul, 2010 21:52
got the new motor in, sort of. this oil pan is slightly taller than the mock up pan, so i'll have to beat on it a little to get it to fit. (sitting on the rack, can't get the last bolt in). got the clutch in as well, and grabbed a master cylinder out of a chevy pick up (not sure if it's going to work or not, appears to be 3/4 bore but not sure). also any one know how to adapt a speedo cable? the end on the mazda cable isn't the same as the socket on the tranny.
the clutch: 10.5" stock camaro clutch. should hold for a couple miles anyway.
my workplace, mid progress
the ID tag on my tranny show it's from a 84 1/2 camaro with the 5.0.
and the master cylinder, the white thing is where the nub for the remote resevoir was, but after sitting in the sun for a whille it broke off when i took it out.
#10 by jim3 on 07 Jul, 2010 00:06
Oil pan: I used a '96 350 out of a pick up and welded a plate on Granny's mount to raise the engine 3/8". Others have beat (a harsh term for subtly squishing the pan with hydraulic forces or a hammer) the pan to fit being careful not to go to much to cause interference with the rods. Maybe make your engine mounts a little longer?
Speedo cable: I used a Ford 90* to go into the trans with a Ford to Chevy adaptor key and then ground down the Mazda cable end to fit. That's with an auto so it's no help to you. I used the Ford trans connection because of the 90* fitting to fit in the trans tunnel and the option of many different ratios.
Good luck, you're making good progress.
#11 by Dr1ft1ng0wns on 07 Jul, 2010 13:03
it's not very far off, i'm maybe 1/8-1/4" off, so i think i'll just beat on it a little to get it to fit. so for the speedo i need an adapter of some sort to go from the mazda key to the chevy?
#12 by Dr1ft1ng0wns on 07 Jul, 2010 20:24
not much done today, so heres more pics! lol
carburetor sticking up past the fenders
new block sitting in there all pretty-like
this is one of the header/manifolds that i'm using. 2.5" collectors.
my solution to the carburetor being above the fenders, switching from the performer rpm to a performer. except it had this wierd build up on the bottom of it, have to do some investigation there.
the engine the intake came off of:
and the car on the ground:
#13 by MoparX on 07 Jul, 2010 22:44
Oil pan: I used a '96 350 out of a pick up and welded a plate on Granny's mount to raise the engine 3/8". Others have beat (a harsh term for subtly squishing the pan with hydraulic forces or a hammer) the pan to fit being careful not to go to much to cause interference with the rods. Maybe make your engine mounts a little longer?
Haha I did all that. Bent the pan to clear the rack, bent the pan back after realizing a rod was hitting it, then wound up welding a 3/8 plate on the bottom of the cradle to space it enough to clear the rack. It was just funny reading that since it's exactly what I went through. -
#14 by N2v8fcs on 11 Jul, 2010 17:23
that build up looks like carbon from the exhaust .
granny's has an adapter cable (like 35.00) mazda spedo to chevy tranny .
the RPM intake give you more power, and you will probably have to put a hole in the hood anyway ...
just my.02