Kinda, I took apart an E36. There's some pics of the engine on my build thread (for some reason). Why, is that a BMW thing? You know, I think yes, the first time I heard of that, it was a BMW track car - but I don't remember it being "a thing" for BMWs; if that's the case, it's news to me. A common thing was to delete the mechanical fan and add an electric one in it's place. I have always just associated it with (road) racing in general (F1 cars, for example, don't use an E-fan mounted to the radiator).
Even though it's not a daily driver, I have to admit, I may get caught in traffic at some point, when it happens to be hot out. I believe my initial setup will be lucky to have much over 300whp. Fluidyne says their radiators should cool better than just any old radiator of the same size, because they fit a lot of surface area in the same space, so that can't hurt. Most setups have room for improvement in the ducting department, naturally. If I can pull off proper ducting, that would also help.
Perhaps an electric fan is inevitable, and I'm being naive, but let's just say I'm not ruling out the idea of running without a fan, out of hand. I was toying with the idea of CO2 cooling - I could set it up to spray the radiator, which I could activate in an emergency.
....OR, I'm just subtly, almost unconsciously trolling everyone.