Hey Mike,
We've talked about this so much, but there's one more factor I think you should spend more time considering: what looks good in a variety of lighting conditions. I'm impressed by the Audi Estoril Blue (first time I think I've seen that). However, what I really like is the color shifting nature that highlights the curves and you only get that in direct sun.
When I google the color I get pictures all over the place.
https://www.google.com/search?q=Estoril+blue+Crystal&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=KCH&tbo=u&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=8fvqUKXrPJG10AHR9IBQ&ved=0CDUQsAQ&biw=1093&bih=668In darker conditions it's only average (same with the Toyota Nautical). As such, I think I'm going come back around and vote Satin. It just consistently looks good and it matches your out of the box personality. While I agree that it might be a fad, it's certainly not a flash in the pan here today and gone tomorrow type. Let's face it, if a 20 year old FD still looks good it's going to be hard to compromise it with anything but the most garish colors. Pick something in the blue-gray end of the spectrum with a purple and it should stay classy for a long long time.
Next step would be investigating whether a pearl or metallic can be directly mixed in the paint so you stay two stage (I'm assuming you're not counting primer in any of your stages.)
Finally, you need to wash your car and take a ton of good pictures, BEFORE paint. Folks will be blown away when you show how much carbon you painted over. It just makes me smile. Heck one can argue that bare carbon parts are also a fad, but again it's one that's been slowly growing toward OEM use. I think Satin is going to get there as well.