Rough day working on the car yesterday. I bought a Holley HP to replace my Terminator X fearing I fried the ECU with my short circuit issue. No matter what I tried the Terminator X would display ~8.5V on a fully charged 12.8V battery.
Got a base tune built and installed the HP. 12.5V displayed as expected. Now I have RPM sync/dropout issues. Hits a hard ignition cut at 4000 rpm and shoots ducks. Can't get ahead with this thing! Its the same sensors, harnesses all of it...really makes no sense.
I also spent at least an hour pulling fuses trying to find the 2A draw I have with the key off and still no luck. This one has me really scratching my head.
One nice thing, I was able to quiet down the howling IAC valve by using the air bypass adjustment on the Holley 105 throttle body - made a world of difference. Now just need to dampen the plenum somehow that doesn't look like ass. A ratchet strap around the plenum comes to mind lol, but it really needs like an internal pillar or something.
Last minor victory, I could swap the 6AN fitting out to a GM fitting in my Turn One pump and re-use my old power steering line. Cross one thing off the list. This is still the OEM GTO power steering line mated to the Mazda rack banjo.