Well, she ran for the last time before the tear down.
Good news is the VIS hood is pretty cool, and fits ok. It’s not latched in the pictures but I could push the front of it down. The hood seems too short? By quite a bit. The bumper gap is going to be big. The gaps to the fender and the shape seem spot on. All I can think is to slot the hinges and pull in forward. It’s at least a half inch short to the headlights and bumper, and unfortunately the lines are perfect at the windshield. I’ll figure it out later.
The intake clears. The height is about 7” from the valley plate. Bad news is the throttle body sticks up an inch higher than the intake and there’s no way in hell it’ll fit.
I’ve moved on with life. Going to see what it takes to make an MSD atomic intake fit. Mark GNX7 has one on his car with my same Holley 105mm tb. With the extra clearance from the hood I don’t think I’ll have much struggle. Firewall clearance TBD I might need to shave the firewall lip.
Lots of work left to do just in turning wrenches and a pretty long list of “while you’re in there” things, but chipping away at it.