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Author Topic: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!  (Read 278721 times)

Offline wickedrx7

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #705 on: March 19, 2020, 09:06:06 PM »
Looks good, extremely similar to mine except the 18 degree spacer.  I went with a Treadstone 45 degree degree for the front one, if you want it to match your other silicone coupler. 

I am curious to hear your results.  I get minimal bucking at low speeds which I assume was MAF related.  I might go SD tune at some point, just not sure if it worth it. 

As for wanting stand alone, I am right there with you.  It seems it would simplify some of the little nagging things, just hard to justify the cost as they are pretty small things...

1993 Touring, 2012 L99, T-56, Ronnin 8.8, Ohlins, Speedhut, Samberg and lots of custom parts
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Offline Esser

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #706 on: March 20, 2020, 10:06:48 AM »
I did an SD tune and it drives way better than the MAF tune did. That's usually the case with a big cam, you just need to find a good tuner.

Offline Exidous

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #707 on: March 20, 2020, 11:06:09 PM »
This is pretty much exactly what I ran with the TSP MAF. I had mine before there were selling it with the mesh. Bought it from a computer parts place. lt was meant for 120mm fans. Worked out really well because you could choose the cell count.

Just replace the shiny tube with the MAF w/screen and you'll be gtg. You'll have to spend a little time getting it just right but your wot AFTs will never be more stable.

Pic is the almost done 427. Just waiting on pushrods and the exhaust is have to make next weekend. Getting excited. Added oil and fuel pressure plus oil temp to the ECU rather than just gauges. Looking forward to not blowing more ringlands due to air in the fuel rail.
94 BB Sleeved gen IV LS7, MS3ProU with TC, RONIN 8.8 and LT's with custom 3.5"single to VAREX muffler.

Offline MPbdy

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #708 on: March 20, 2020, 11:16:57 PM »
Bitchin! That’s exciting. I get giddy thinking of the ls7 in mine. Going to be ridiculous.

Keep those valve covers on when you’re not working to keep dust and crap out of the motor. You might be already, but just had to say it just in case :)

I ordered a bunch more stuff and if it shows up I’ll have some more to work on. Going to be putting a pause to the stress shopping though. Shit is starting to get real here in California. Very possibly could have no income here in the coming weeks.

At least I have a pile of odd jobs to occupy myself with on the car. I do need a couple more shipments to show up which I’m hoping will still happen.

Offline MPbdy

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #709 on: March 20, 2020, 11:19:23 PM »
Looks good, extremely similar to mine except the 18 degree spacer.  I went with a Treadstone 45 degree degree for the front one, if you want it to match your other silicone coupler. 

I am curious to hear your results.  I get minimal bucking at low speeds which I assume was MAF related.  I might go SD tune at some point, just not sure if it worth it. 

As for wanting stand alone, I am right there with you.  It seems it would simplify some of the little nagging things, just hard to justify the cost as they are pretty small things...

I like that coupler for the front too. Whatever I settle on I think I’ll swap to that. I’ve held off on changing just because this has always been “temporary” but it’s been 5 years now lol.

The terminator X makes a real strong case for never using an OEM computer again.

Offline digitalsolo

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #710 on: March 22, 2020, 10:10:17 AM »
What a pain in the butt.   Looks good though!
Blake MF'ing McBride
1988 Mazda RX7 - Turbo LS1/T56/ProEFI/8.8/Not Slow...   sold.
1965 Mustang Coupe - TT Coyote, TR6060, modern brakes/suspension...
2007 Aston Martin V8 Vantage - Gen V LT4/TR6060, upper/lower pullies, headers, tune.
2021 Tesla Model 3 Performance - Stock...ish.

Offline kinger

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #711 on: March 22, 2020, 06:13:04 PM »
Added oil and fuel pressure plus oil temp to the ECU rather than just gauges. Looking forward to not blowing more ringlands due to air in the fuel rail.

Whats this now??
93 Touring, 6.3L, T56 Magnum, Mamo RPS BC2 clutch, FAST 90, NW 90TB TB, 8.8, samberg everything, AC, PS, TC, Cruise, LED Tails, HID head lights

Offline Exidous

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #712 on: March 22, 2020, 06:55:30 PM »
I got some air in the fuel from fuel slosh. It took out three ring lands from the rings heati g up too much. I've added other things in the tank to help but I've also added a pressure sensor on the fuel rail. If the fuel pressure drops below say 50psi I can have the ECU cut all spark and go into limp mode.
94 BB Sleeved gen IV LS7, MS3ProU with TC, RONIN 8.8 and LT's with custom 3.5"single to VAREX muffler.

Offline paul_3rdgen

403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #713 on: March 22, 2020, 07:35:12 PM »
Interesting.... I thought you were referring just to aftermarket fuel rails.  That’s a nice feature in the computer! I think that’s exactly what blew up my ls1, along with a not so safe tune.  Intake looks very similar to mine, I’m using an ls7 maf card. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
93 RX7 R1 500rwhp
LS2, H/C combo... ARE drysump
Race Logic traction Control and 4 wheel Stoptech BBK
3.73 gears installed in the stock diff  :o

Offline largeorangefont

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #714 on: March 23, 2020, 01:06:05 PM »
Sweet progress.. I may or may not (LOL) need that angled spacer to get my Dorman intake and 90MM TB to fit under the hood.
Quote from: cool
Sell it to spacevomit.  He'll finish it.

Offline Exidous

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #715 on: March 23, 2020, 01:20:50 PM »
It's a shame that spacer is limited to 95mm. Would like one for the 102 throttle body.
94 BB Sleeved gen IV LS7, MS3ProU with TC, RONIN 8.8 and LT's with custom 3.5"single to VAREX muffler.

Offline MPbdy

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #716 on: April 10, 2020, 12:24:55 AM »
Hope everyone is doing ok in the quarantine. I’m working from home and my girl is furloughed. Just dodged a 43 person layoff today. The company is slated to open again May 4th. Hoping that happens, and no more collateral damage. Bad time to be a supplier for passenger jets.

Been getting some work in on this thing off and on. Not as motivated as I’d hoped honestly, but have my bouts of productivity. Really close to firing it up now, although my LiFePO4 battery might be dead dead again. Not great to have a weak battery when needing to head out for tuning so I might have to bite the bullet and replace it. The thing was completely flat even though I unhooked the battery, and charging it I can’t get it to hold over 11V long term. I can surface charge the bitch to 14.8 though and I bet it’ll start from there 😂.

I got my new pushrods installed. Not sure if they were a weak link before or not but these things are stout. Summit sources a really nice pushrod for these. Much nicer than the TSP ones.

My buddy and I had that expansion tank planned and he finished printing a prototype for test fit and that was just when we went full lockdown in March so that’s on hold for now.

Took the old tank up to my dad’s and he was able to tig the neck back on. Won’t leak now I can guarantee that. Temporary fix until my buddy can finish the new tank design for me.

Got the intake finalized with the ls7 maf and a new tube. Epoxied in some honeycomb and going to give it a shot. With the angled TB spacer the hood closes just fine even with a round tube.

Swapped over to a Katech tensioner I’ve had on the shelf for years. I used to throw belts like crazy after I put the ATI balancer on, but went to a shorter belt and never had an issue so it sat on the shelf. The Katech tensioner was the only way I’d get a belt on and not risk the spring tensioner crashing into the bracket I made.

Didn’t think it was possible, but I made all this crap even tighter to get to in the engine bay lol. Everything is tight and the belt is on and adjusted up though so all good.

I also decided since I have time to kill I’d swap out the plugs (for the first time in 5 years) to some TR6-IX iridiums, and finally put on these beefy ass IGN1A coils I bought about a year and a half ago. These things are HUGE. I got them to use with the ls7. You can gap the plugs up to .060” for a big arc and run a super long dwell time even at high rpm. Supposed to have a stronger and cleaner idle with big cams. Better at igniting the dirty mixture with exhaust reversion. Probably won’t do a lot with my mild cam LS2 but figured it gives me something to do. I’ve heard claims that you can reduce timing and gain power even on a mild engine but I’ll believe that probably never.

I just need to wire these things in and flash the tune over to the ls7 maf calibration and it’ll be good to go (if it starts). These coils get 8ga wire direct from the battery and a 70A relay. Craziness.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2020, 12:42:13 AM by MPbdy »

Offline scuter83

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #717 on: April 10, 2020, 08:28:13 AM »
If you start to have trouble tuning the thing, you might want to try taking the honey comb out.  I know it doesn't sound right, but someone else had an issue with their card style MAF and I mentioned the honey comb and they found theirs had shifted and was causing the tuning issues.  I know the Samberg intakes are not ideal due to the short straight section the MAF sits in, but with a card style, the honeycombs can sometimes cause more issue than good.  Just an FYI if you see issues you can't get the tune to work for.  But with an LS2 E40, speed density should be possible if all else fails.

Offline wickedrx7

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #718 on: April 10, 2020, 09:55:13 AM »
Coming along nicely! I am curious to hear if the honeycomb helps as I have always had it. So just wondering if it is actually doing anything.

Those coils are insane....

1993 Touring, 2012 L99, T-56, Ronnin 8.8, Ohlins, Speedhut, Samberg and lots of custom parts
Build Thread -
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Offline kinger

Re: 403 LS2 FD - LS7 Build for 2020!
« Reply #719 on: April 10, 2020, 04:25:44 PM »
Good luck lighting those coils with a dead tiny lithium battery  :D

Awesome build!  Also agree on MAF and honeycomb.  I had to disable my card style, I would love to use it if the spacer and honeycomb work.  SD it runs soooo good now even though a tuner would HATE my hptuners map.  I had to create a high fuel spike at certain RPMs to get it to run smooth as butta.  No idea why, but as soon as I smooth it, it hiccups at those RPMs so I left it in. 

Can't wait for a driving review!
93 Touring, 6.3L, T56 Magnum, Mamo RPS BC2 clutch, FAST 90, NW 90TB TB, 8.8, samberg everything, AC, PS, TC, Cruise, LED Tails, HID head lights