I have an e40 pcm. Has its own issues... Like how my first one bricked itself on key on the first time. Overall it's easy to tune and the faster processing speed vs an 0411 pcm is really noticeable. Idle control is much smoother. Resolution on the tables is higher and speed of timing adjustment is much faster. Basically the same as e38 but more user friendly OS for tuning.
VE tuning is the same as 0411 pcm just a bigger table. Luckily it doesn't use GMVE or whatever it is. No spreadsheet required. Just multiply by percentage. MAF is the same but broken into high range and low range.
I'm actually thinking of doing closed loop speed density but only in low load ranges like idle and freeway cruising. I'm going to start with open loop VE tuning of course though.
I do figure it's going to be a lot of work, but mostly just time consuming. The VE table is pretty good right now. I can go wot to redline and it doesn't kill itself. Should it be a pretty linear shift with the cam change, or is it a clean slate?
I do have access to a couple loaded chassis dynos. I think I can get really close on the street though. Maybe just finish up the WOT tune at those places. Never done a VE tune on the dyno. I think I'd spend most of the time figuring out how to do it.