Exhaust should be fully welded and complete on the car today.
I've been working on wiring in the AC controller from Halfspec. Just about done with that...couple more wires to splice and it should be working.
Maybe clean and install the AC lines and heater hoses next.
Been looking at the power steering line. I have the hard line from the GTO that I've massaged to get it close to the rack. Need to take it over to hoseman and see if they can do anything with it. Will be a little cleaner than AN fittings at the pump, but that is plan B.
Hung the Samberg radiator in there yesterday and started looking for a place for my lithium battery experiment. It's probably going to go in a box under the frame behind the radiator on the driver's side. I can get it above the bottom of the radiator and it'll be well above the subframe.
Need to find a place to wire in and mount my purge solenoid for the evap system. Also need to tee in the vacuum sensor for the tank. I'm thinking behind the driver's fender inside the unibody. I am using one of the unused factory fuel hard lines to get vacuum from the tank.
All in all the car is pretty close.
Yes the vette will be a better track car considering where you are at with both cars. Parts for it are certainly cheaper if you have an incident, or ding something up.
All the vette needs is an oil cooler, and better seats and you'll be able to have loads of fun. There are lots of C5 Z06s out there tracking with 100k+ miles on them. The are great track cars. Leave the engine as you have it, it does not need any more power.
I did LOL when you said the V was a practical daily. I have a Toyota Yaris I putt around and collect mileage for work in. I only drive the V a couple times a week.
If the tires were bagged and indoors, they are probably still decent.
Hah! Yeah. Practical*
Vette definitely needs an oil cooler. It'll hit 250 deg going up GMR in about 5 minutes on a mid 70's day.
I think I need a front swaybar. At slow speeds it's a little tail happy with the non-staggered wheel setup. I'll have to see how it is after an alignment and the bilstein shocks. Any suggestions?
I took it up somewhere nearby last night and put it through a couple turns. I've been focusing too much on straight line, but normal roads here have zero turns in them. It's not really "fast enough" if that's all you're doing. The thing is really an animal when you mix in some bends. The throttle response and the power coming out of turns is just awesome. I had it pinned in 4th at the apex of a bend at speeds that required 4th gear...thinking I really shouldn't be doing this, but goddamn. It's definitely got enough beans if I'm going to take it on track.
It's so much different of a car when I first got it on the 10 year old goodyears...even from the contis to the michelins it is night and day.
*Practical if accepting of 8mpg