So while my car is down with a leaking cooling system (god that is a familiar statement...) I found some other stuff to occupy myself with.
I've always hated my intake tube. It was always supposed to be temporary to run the smaller GTO screened MAF until I figured out the larger LS7 MAF. It has always looked janky, and I've been pretty convinced that the multiple sections are steering the air in the tube and causing turbulence in front of the MAF. Last time I threw it on I really just said F-it, this garbage is going on until I get a Holley...and that is still kind of the plan, the spirit of social distancing and isolation I'm finding stupid little side jobs to do.
In defense of this monstrosity, it started out as a really clean and nice looking solution that just got smashed into place to make the hood close, and after numerous times taking it on and off it really just looks like mashed asshole at this point.

Oh, and maybe I should clean my filter

So holley has this new bitchin throttle body spacer that is cut on an 18* angle. I was super excited to unbox this thing and try it out, but it runs into literally everything. The TB is touching the water pump, the samberg expansion tank is in the way, and worst off the DBW plug for my throttle body is directly into the belt tensioner.
I'm working through all the little issues, and currently building a move-out bracket for the tensioner to give me more space to the DBW connector. Overall I'm really happy with what it does for the intake tract, and I'm hoping it'll improve the tuneability of the engine and maybe even give it a little more plenum volume. Mostly I've just hated the cobbled together look of it. Doesn't match the effort that went into the rest of it.
Tuning wise, even with my baby cam I've always had chugging and misfires in the parking lot and also some speeds on the freeway. Anything with low airflows just gives the MAF crap data and you can't really tune it out. Doesn't bother me much..but it should be glass smooth. My excuse of poor MAF data will be harder to use when I clean up the intake tract.
The LS3/LS7 maf was atrocious in this regard. It had continuous misfire on the freeway to the point where it was cutting in and out. Put load on the engine and it smoothed right out.
Even more annoying, I could never force my E40 ecu to do speed density properly. I nailed it down to a lack of functional transient fueling in the SD mode, or at least the ability to adjust it. The parameters are completely unresponsive, and they're pre-populated for LS2 intake, 6 liters and small heads. I have an LS3 intake, 6.6 liters, and larger heads and it just isn't enough to keep it from bogging when you stab the gas or bang gears.
Whatever - Holley with the ls7 is a certainty. If this isolation thing continues too long I may just got for it now.
You can see I munched off some pieces of the short side radius on the filter as well. That used to extend up into the elbow and would definitely steer the air in the wrong direction.

Showing the interference here

The move-out bracket will put the tensioner somewhere around here.

Overall I really think it is going to be worth it. I ordered a 4" silicone couper that will join the MAF to the TB and I'll be good to go.