Great pic Ash! You need to print that biggie size and frame it for the garage.
I also dig the new video format with time and mph. It's a lot easier for me to watch your throttle and braking with mph front and center. This approach gives you a much more concrete comparison to Billy Johnson's take on a fast lap.'m sure you've seen this before but a few specific things stood out to me in checking out your lap. Thought some commentary might be helpful in your never ending quest for speed. (Note to self: I have to stop trying to build speed, you do way better than me at focusing on the driver mod and dialing in what you have.) Anyways, my thoughts on your lap above.

-There's some variation in your entry speed to turn 1 (big bank). The fast lap was 148 but the one following was 151... Do you have a concrete braking point for the turn 1 entry? My impression in riding with you (and some driving it too) is that a lot of it happens by feel but you're moving fast enough it might be worth trying to dial that in. Obviously the exit from turns 15-17 is all important in average speed on the front straight.
-Have you found your limit on the bank? It was interesting that your slowest point on the bank was that which Billy J refers to as mid corner. Not worth risking the car, but I think an intentional speed check to see if you can creep that up a few more mph would be help your lap time. Your speeds on the lap above varied by 5 mph or so.
-Exit of corner 2. This is probably the biggest obvious change I recommend. There's a significant straight (and/or banked lead out) here where you didn't accelerate at all... I know some of it's a mental game after the butt clench of the bank but I agree with Billy J's assessment: it's time to get back on full throttle at about 3/4 bank, let the car run out toward the wall and stay hard on it until a distinct braking point (which in your car I think will likely be relative to that big hole in the wall). Short version, you can do a lot more using the after bank straight away.
-Mid track battle stuff. You're pretty solid through here. I'm sure there's always optimizing to do and I'm glad to hear the shock valving helped so much. I like your line through 5. In re-reading Billy's commentary, there's some interested advise about throttle management to help keep the car settled. IE see his notes about turn in on throttle for turn 6 and snapping off for turn 12.
-There might be a little time to be had exiting Turn 8, but I think you're pretty good here. You might want to double check speeds and see how consistent you are. It's obviously an important corner.
-15, 16, 17. I can't even believe he's describing full throttle through ALL of these, but it you can figure out how, the upside on lap times could be huge. I think it might be interesting to find and keep backing up the point at which you are going full throttle. See what that does to your exit speeds. We've talked a few times about the outside line, but I know it's bumpy and has plenty of trade offs.
Anyways, that's what I have. Much love for you brother! You're ripping out there. Hope the thoughts help.
PS With as fast as you're moving is it time for a HANS device and/or suit?