Final start up last week with the old T56. the new T56 Magnum F ready to go in tomorrow. I had to shorten the driveshaft 1 1/8 inches. This was due to needing a different 2 piece trans yoke for the 8.8 conversion. I am running 1310 U joints and the small mustang pinion yoke. Those that went 1350 joints from the start, probably can reuse their driveshaft as is.
Since the Magnums are all 30 spline, you need a different trans yoke if you run 1310 joints. Inland Empire Driveline makes a really nice forged 2 piece 30 spline yoke for 1350 U joints. This thing is much bigger than my old iron 1310 yoke, and weighs about the same. part number is SY-C6-1350Q
From there I needed a 1350 to 1310 conversion joint. After getting the conversion U joint home it was obvious I needed to shorten the driveshaft as the new forged yoke is physically longer than the old one.
Anyway, The trans is prepped, and I will throw it in tomorrow. One nice thing about the Magnum F - I was not able to wire up reverse lights before, as the plug on the trans was nearly against the trans tunnel. The Magnum F has a wired dongle instead of a plug sticking directly out of the trans, so I can wire up reverse lights if I wanted.