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Author Topic: LOF's LS1 FC track car build  (Read 316125 times)

Offline largeorangefont

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1080 on: September 21, 2016, 11:51:46 PM »
Well I pulled out the sunroof. Decided to skip the sunroof plug and am going with a rivet on sunroof delete panel. This saves 25 lbs.

[smg id=8533 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

[smg id=8534 type=preview align=center caption="image"]
Quote from: cool
Sell it to spacevomit.  He'll finish it.

Offline FC3S Murray

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1081 on: September 22, 2016, 08:13:48 AM »
What's the ol'curb weight of the FC now days Ash? You below 2600lbs?

I just swung by the scale 2 weeks ago to see how much weight the FC has gained since addition of small items. Only gained 20lbs since 2011 haha. This was with half tank of gas and me @200lbs. [smg id=8535 type=preview align=center caption="IMG 20160913 150534255 HDR"]

13 years of abuse and still running STRONG!

SRM Performance Tuning LLC

Offline largeorangefont

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1082 on: September 22, 2016, 10:34:55 AM »
It weighed 2686 with a full tank of gas before this about a year ago. So that is just under 2600 with no fuel. I'd expect to be in the 2550-2575 lb range now.

I'll weigh it again when I get the new wheels and tires on it in a couple weeks. That weight was with my heavier street wheels, and the steel front fenders.

Quote from: cool
Sell it to spacevomit.  He'll finish it.

Offline spacevomit

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1083 on: September 22, 2016, 10:43:22 AM »
Nice pedals.

Offline largeorangefont

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1084 on: September 22, 2016, 11:48:03 PM »
This sunroof delete panel fit pretty well. The thickness of the aluminium is perfect.  It is flat, but sits down on the roof nicely as you rivet it in place. I'll be pulling it back off to paint it, but it here it is installed.

[smg id=8536 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

[smg id=8537 type=preview align=center caption="image"]

Quote from: cool
Sell it to spacevomit.  He'll finish it.

Offline largeorangefont

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1085 on: October 07, 2016, 02:15:16 PM »
Well the improvements continue. I went out to SevenStock at Auto Club Speedway last weekend with the Ronin crew to show what a V8 car can do against some of the more well sorted rotary powered cars around. I was giving rides all day, went through over 35 gallons of gas and had a ton of fun. My only issue on the day was a spindle nut that backed off and needed to be re torqued. I tested out the new 17X10.5 with 275 square setup at SevenStock. The rear shocks still need a revalve, but the new wheel and tire setup is perfect with no rubbing anywhere. You can see I made some relief cuts in the front fenders for extra tire clearance. I did those the night before the event, and I will blend the fender line later.

It was about 90F, but I basically ran some of my best times there in the heat with a passenger, so I am satisfied. Some highlights- Best lap was 1:53.8, Top speed was 151.1, hit -1.19G under braking, 1.56g on the roval portion of the track and hit 1.22g in the flat turns. We took video all day with multiple GoPros.

I gave a few people rides, and the car got a lot of attention from Rx7 people and owners of high end and exotic cars. I can't believe how fast this car is becoming. I have a few more adjustments in the works, as well as some aero mods.

These are my first swing at combining multiple camera angles into one video.

3 laps of morning session with front facing interior, rear, and side mounted cameras, the clear lap was one of the faster laps of the day

A full session in the afternoon with front facing interior, front facing bumper and passenger facing cameras. The passenger cam's battery died after a few minutes. Passed a ton of people in this one. The owner of the red GT4 Cayman came over to my garage after the section and was amazed.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 05:15:27 PM by largeorangefont »
Quote from: cool
Sell it to spacevomit.  He'll finish it.

Offline FC3S Murray

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1086 on: October 07, 2016, 06:31:39 PM »
This makes me happy :)

NICE driving Ash!!

13 years of abuse and still running STRONG!

SRM Performance Tuning LLC

Offline wickedrx7

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1087 on: October 07, 2016, 07:00:27 PM »
Impressive!!! Look like a fast track. That transition onto the banking looks pretty violent.  Great to see your upgrades paying off in faster lap times. Aero on that track would probably help a ton.

1993 Touring, 2012 L99, T-56, Ronnin 8.8, Ohlins, Speedhut, Samberg and lots of custom parts
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Offline largeorangefont

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1088 on: October 07, 2016, 07:27:39 PM »
Thanks guys. The entire car is kinda violent. That is what everyone that rides in it seems to say.  :cheers:  But yes the last 2 turns before you enter the banking have some pretty good bumps, so it is a challenge to get through there carrying as much speed as you can. Then transition to the banking is a pretty good jolt. And of course at the speed I'm going on a good lap that is the exact moment I would shift, so I typically short shift right before I hit that transition. On a slow lap I will shift after.  In the first video at 1:22 on the camera on the front tire there is some tire smoke on the transition from the apron to the banking.. I just noticed that actually and checked it out on the original video file. I'm going to see if I can figure out where it is rubbing. It did not look like the fender was deflecting, so maybe I'm hitting the framerail with the tire. And wow the tire deforms a lot!

Now I'm curious to see If I'm hitting the bumpstops in this transition.

And yes, aero on this track would probably net me a 3+ second gain I'm sure.

This is during another lap with a faster approach
[smg id=8546 type=preview align=center caption="vlcsnap 2016 10 07 16h34m52s057"]

Tire deflection a couple frames before tire smoke (probably rubbing right now)
[smg id=8545 type=preview align=center caption="vlcsnap 2016 10 07 16h29m09s923"]
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 07:41:07 PM by largeorangefont »
Quote from: cool
Sell it to spacevomit.  He'll finish it.

Offline Brismo7

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Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1089 on: October 09, 2016, 06:45:57 AM »
Great Driving Ashley, that was a ton of fun.

Offline AKINA FC

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1090 on: October 10, 2016, 01:50:32 PM »
Looks great Ash!!  Did you check the inner wheel frame for rub marks?

Offline largeorangefont

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1091 on: October 10, 2016, 03:48:00 PM »
I'm going to next time I work on the car. Thanks Erik!
Quote from: cool
Sell it to spacevomit.  He'll finish it.

Offline Maxburn

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1092 on: March 12, 2017, 01:13:08 PM »
Bump-- How's the car been over the last few months?

Offline largeorangefont

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1093 on: March 12, 2017, 07:14:29 PM »
Funny you should ask. I'm putting my rear coilovers back together this afternoon. I sent them to Fortune for a revalve to fix the bouncing issue I was having in the rear. They said the shocks were blown which I find odd, but also upgraded them with Gen 6 internals for free which was nice. I wanted to also do a rear spring change, but after getting 1 spring, the 2nd is on backorder. So I will try the rebuilt shocks with my current springs.

I want to hit Big Willow again in a week and a half. I have a slight amount of steering play and I think my inner tie rod ends are starting to go.I ordered a new set. I also need to swap a front hub because it is not holding the bearing seal.

Also I will be painting the car. I just need to arrange it with my friend who will be painting it and get it prepped. I already bought the materials.. single stage Hugger Orange. $110 shipped from Summit for a gallon of paint, activator and reducer.

Quote from: cool
Sell it to spacevomit.  He'll finish it.

Offline FC3S Murray

Re: LOF's LS1 FC track car build
« Reply #1094 on: March 12, 2017, 07:43:53 PM »
Hugger orange  :yay:

13 years of abuse and still running STRONG!

SRM Performance Tuning LLC