Pulled the car out today to get it ready for 2 track events next week. One at Willow Springs and another at Auto Club Speedway. I found the clutch master cylinder to be empty and it turns out that the wilwood reservoir developed a crack near the clamp. I ordered another one today.
After almost 2 years my front rotors were about dead. I run the Ronin Front BBK and I decided to modify the front hubs to accept off the shelf 350z rotors, instead of modifying the hub bore on the rotors this time. This should cut down on the cost and complexity of the consumables. Centric High Carbon blanks are only $50 each, and have proven very durable, so I do not see a need to go to 2 piece rotors at this time.
With this new set of hubs I used EZ Off oven cleaner to clean them. I sprayed them down and let them sit about 10 minutes before rinsing off the oven cleaner. Quickly hit them with a scrub brush and rinsed again and they were pretty clean after that. I used the oven method to remove the bearings this time. I put the hubs in the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes. I pulled them out and wacked the hubs on a block of wood and the races fell right out.. Easy.
The last set of hubs I ground notches in to knock out the bearing races easily. It works well, but the oven method is less effort.
You can see the OE hubs here compared to the new modified ones. The large step the OE hubs was turned down to accept the 350z rotor. The hub face was also turned to take out any runout and trued to the bearing bore.

New hubs installed, with new ARP studs, bearings repacked, assembled and ready to go.