I built a weight to attach the the tailshaft of the trans to reduce some of the vibes (v6 engines are not the smoothest)

and I promptly removed it.. it helped above 3500rpm and below 1900 it was like driving on a cobble stone road. So the 34 year old rubber mazda mounts appear to be way to darn stiff.. I got some ranger rover mounts on order since they are the same thickness and hopefully a little softer..
The great news is I drove out to Walla Walla from Whidbey Island 368 miles one way with no traffic ( I left at 4:30am) and averaged 64mph with 28mpg and on some of the long up hill stretches on hwy 82 I was bombing along at 120+. Over the 736 miles (best I can measure) the oil level dropped ~.040-.050"..
On that trip I got a 7hr data log and I was able to get my baro correction curve and the air temp correction curve dialed in. Baro ranged from 101.8 to 80.2 and air temp 37° to 114°F on the data log
I took a chance and ordered seat upholstery form Lseat. I got a tracking number and they should be here this friday. All black leather with perforated center panels. I will attempt to make a Utube video of the whole seat rebuild process.
The rear bearing of the alternator blew up again, I took the rotor out and had it rebalanced for $20 and some beer. It was not balanced very well, cuse China.