Just an update, 800 miles on the engine so far..
I used a spare output on the ecu to control the wb02 controller. When rpm goes over 750 a 30 sec timer starts before it comes on. It has a relay on the positive feed of the sensor heater circuit. I also pulled +5v from the MSII board to power the wbo2 controller. I did this to gain accuracy that voltage offsets can introduce when the controller has its own 5v regulator.

So as I got 800 miles on the engine I started to push it a little harder. Power was dropping off a cliff @5100rpm.. Having 106lbs on the seat and 270lbs over the nose of spring pressure was not cutting it. I was in the process of shimming the springs up another .060" (1.800" to 1.740") to get the seat pressure up to 122lbs and 287 over the nose. After I got the 4th cyl done I remembered that I had another set of springs.. 128 on the seat and 320 over the nose @1.800 installed height and 7gram heavier.

I also pulled the intake manifold off because it was seeping oil from the back, I did not put enough RTV on the corner were the china wall meets the cylinder head. I put in a set of Morel 6504 lifters since I was sick of all the noise the ls7 lifters were making. I shimmed the rocker pedestals also .020" (due to the valve job). My lifter preload came in at .038 to .042" with the stock length 7.200" push rod (considering the block is decked .025" and the cam has a .060" smaller radius base circle)
The axle on the old lifters are swaged the Morels use a wire retainer on both ends.

top-line 2148 on the left (ls7) Morel 6504 on the right.
It is a lot quieter now, like a the faint sound of a singer sewing machine. Not the angry 12 elf's with little hammers. What surprised me was the change in the VE table. My 4400 @100kpa bin went from 94 to 103, everything up from 4000rpm and 75kpa needed more fuel. Its quite entertaining now, if I roll on in 1st @1800rpm its leaves a copious amount of rubber on the road, if I catch 2nd before the rev limiter hits I can carry it through 2nd gear also. Oil level on the dip stick does not move in 200miles.
All the pain and misery a project can cause just melts away when you mash the skinny pedal down..