I purchased what I thought was a good digital Torque/Angle wrench a while back.
It had some useful features, great reviews on and off Amazon at the time, and came with a calibration certificate.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GOUNZ10/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1It took a little getting used to the setup procedure, but it worked well, at first.
I took very good care of it, as I would any precision instrument, and I probably accumulated a couple hours of use, when I noticed it turning off at random times.
It started happening when it was bumped, as in being laid on a table or installing a socket, or even when placing on a bolt head.
Then it cut cut off when torquing a bolt, resulting in no indication when the set torque was reached. I had to replace a few expensive ARP fasteners due to that little fuckup, as I had no idea how severely they were stressed.

It progressed to happening every time I tried to use it, and it's now a very expensive club. I'll keep it for next time I go seal hunting.

When I looked at Amazon reviews, and elsewhere as well, it seems that there are now huge numbers of people having this exact same problem.
I called A/C Delco tools to see if they could repair it, even if I had to pay.
Nope, they don't repair any of their tools. They did offer up the suggestion to buy a new one at retail price.

I did take out the board, and retouched all the joints to eliminate a possible cold solder joint, but the problem persists.
I started researching other brands, to see if I could find a good quality replacement.
I thought the GearWrench model looked promising. It has similar features, and seemed to be well reviewed, at first.
https://www.amazon.com/GEARWRENCH-120XP-Electronic-Torque-Wrench/dp/B07TFHW17F/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2IFUFTLN0HLNZ&keywords=gearwrench%2B120xp%2Bflex%2Bhead%2B1%2F2%2Bdigital%2Btorque%2Bwrench&qid=1693471677&s=hi&sprefix=gearwrench%2B120xp%2Bflex%2Bhead%2B1%2F2%2Bdigital%2Btorque%2Bwrench%2Ctools%2C147&sr=1-4&th=1After digging a bit deeper, this one also has a number of bad reviews, mainly the same exact problem.
My first thought was it had the same board, but the buttons are in different locations, so it's not identical.
Now I'm looking at the Snap-On TechAngle series, but I really don't want to spend $700+ as a hobby mechanic.
https://shop.snapon.com/product/TechAngle-Models-(2%-Accuracy)/1-2%22-Drive-Flex-Head-TechAngle-Torque-Wrench-(12.5%E2%80%93250-ft-lb)/ATECH3FR250Bhttps://shop.snapon.com/product/TechAngle-Models-(2%-Accuracy)/1-2%22-Drive-Flex-Head-TechAngle-Torque-Wrench-(15%E2%80%93300-ft-lb)/ATECH3F300RBAnyone here have experience with a good quality digital torque/angle wrench that they could recommend?
I don't mind spending a bit for a quality tool, but $700+ for something I use a few times a year just seems excessive.
Thanks guys.