I've seen a few plastidip cars and they typically don't look great after a couple of years. If you're going to go through all the trouble of doing body work, I'd just paint it yourself.
Also, a PD kit with their sprayer is not much more than you'll spend on paint.
IF you already have a nice, large compressor, there are plenty of decent budget spray guns out there.
I didn't want to invest in a large compressor that I'd rarely use and have to deal with taking up space so I bought a turbine sprayer.
Below is the link to the one I used. I will say that my paint job is not perfect, but a good majority of that is due to a couple big mistakes I made in technique and prep.
Mostly, I didn't have a good feel for how much clear coat needed to go down to fully wet-out, so I have quite a bit of orange peel in areas. Also, I didn't use automotive drop plastic for my DIY booth, so I had old overspray falling into wet paint.
https://www.amazon.com/Fuji-2203G-Semi-PRO-Gravity-System/dp/B00D4NPPQYLooks like the price has gone up $100 since 2020, but it includes everything you need. I do suggest buying different tips/needles for it ($50). I think the one included is good for base coat, but too fine for primer and you'd probably get a better result going smaller for clear.
For materials I used Speedokote. I used their primer, base, clear, filler, wax/grease remover, and a bunch of other supplies. All priced very competitively and as a novice was happy with quality.
I believe they have base/clear and single stage in a few colors and several different clear coats. I used their cheapest clear and would probably pay the small upcharge for one of their nicer clears.
https://speedokote.com/With the sprayer, paint, and prep materials, I spent right at $1000. Again, it's not perfect, but it looks as good as it did when I originally sprayed it. No peeling, flaking, or rust bubbles. You'll probably have leftover materials, and you'll be able to make repairs whenever you want.