With the turbos generally in place and ready, I moved onto the radiator. With the steering rack in its new location, the old radiator mounts weren't going to work. I also was hoping to ditch the stock RX-8 dual fan multi-relay setup for a PWM-controlled fan like I use on the M3. The fan assembly is from a V6 Lincoln Zephyr, and it uses a PWM controller common to Mercedes and Corvettes and apparently the V6 Zephyr and maybe its Ford Fusion counterpart.
probably could have wired up the controller to the existing RX-8 fans, but I'm not sure that they would like variable speed control, plus I'm sure the Lincoln setup flows more than the two stock tiny fans.
Here's the stock setup on the CXRacing radiator:

And the Lincoln fan:

Let the hackery begin. Step 1 was figuring out how low the radiator can go without being the lowest part of the front of the car. I pulled the bumper out of the shed and threw it back on the car. I'm used to staring at the blank face, so it's always fun to remember that it used to be a real car.

Then I put a straight edge between the bottom of the bumper and the subframe.

Here's where I set the radiator in relation to the stock mounts:

Then I cut the stock mounts in half and extended them with some 1/8" plate to match up with my new location:

Fit back up:

Next was getting the fan to fit. I previously thought I'd have to cut off the lower radiator outlet because it interfered with the steering rack, but I was able to mount the radiator low enough that it was actually okay, I just had to trim the shroud to give it clearance.

The issue was the top radiator inlet, it wanted to be right where the fan shroud was. I went ahead and lopped that off to get it out of the way for now. Apparently I'm feeling bold about my aluminum welding capabilities.

The shroud itself had some tabs on the side and was about 1/2" too wide to fit between the frame rails, so I did some more trimming on it, and it slotted in nicely.

There was even room for my intake pipe to make it out still.

I did some more fine tuning of the shroud and did a final test fit with the cardboard off of the radiator to make sure the edges were flush but there was still clearance for the fan to spin.

The next step will be welding some tabs onto the radiator to retain the shroud, then redoing the upper inlet to clear the shroud.
I did poke the sway bar through the gap to see where it sits, it looks about the same as most of the other swaps I've seen where I'll need some brackets to offset the mounts out by 3-4".

Next weekend is winter tire swap time, so once again the RX-8 won't be getting out of the way under its own power. Maybe next spring.