Engine harness is done, minus a couple brackets I need to fabricate to hold some stuff where I want it, and maybe a little shielding here and there.
Chassis harness is in progress. Boy, this is fun. Stuff runs ALL over the place and it connects the PDM, E888 (CAN Expander), Wideband, chassis/engine connector, ground block and CAN networks. So there are lots of different things crossing over between concentric bundles. Makes it a pain to build and keep track of, for sure. I'm about 50% done on building the engine bay side... I think. The E888 and chassis/engine harness connectors are wired up.
Finishing PDM wires next, then I can sleeve it all in DR25, finish the engine bay side connectors (PDM, wideband, a few sensors, vacuum pump, intercooler pump) and install it. Once the interior "whip" is run through the firewall I'll figure out exactly where the E888 and CAN busses go, and wire that up.
Once ALL that is done, I need to run a bundle to the transmission, and add a bulkhead to the interior for the new fuel system wiring, then mount/wire the brushless fuel pump controller/relay/fuses in the rear bin storage area. Then hopefully I can start testing all the sensors/wiring/controls.
I still need to sort out the dash interconnect, CAN messaging to/from the chassis and design/print an adapter for my display screen (going in a dash vent).
My martial arts schedule goes full stupid in a couple weeks, so progress will slow down some, but trying to do "something every day" to keep things moving forward.