Today was one of those days where you just want to throw some tools...
Finishing up the harness terminations and I had a bad pin (mis-manufactured) that wouldn't seat. When I removed it from the wire, it tore the wire back a bit, which isn't great when everything is made basically to size exactly. Put it on the car to see how much slack I had, and... well, crap, the driver side coil leads are all too short with the rest in place, I must have moved them slightly when I sealed the harness up.
Good news was that they were just routed wrong, so I had to remove all the connectors on that harness branch (that's lots of fun), cut the shrink back, move the wires where they should have been (each one was one "branch point" too far forward) then re-shrink it, reterminate the coil harness leads and reinstall all of the sensors. Next up, oil pressure sensor. Turns out the connector I bought was keyed wrong, but I still had the OEM connector, so again, depin factory connector, depin new connector, swap. Not a big deal, but annoying.
Next on the list was the PCV bypass for the supercharger, to keep oil/crankcase fumes out of it. The OEM one comes out with the water pump installed, but the replacement won't go in that way. Fun. So I had to pull the power steering pump to pull the water pump (which dumped a bunch of coolant on the floor) so that I could install it. Then the fitting it came with was garbage. Awesome. So I'm going to just plug the bypass outlet port and use my big valve cover evac system. Put the accessories back on and remembered I need to swap the OEM coolant sensor for a LowDoller combo temp/pressure sensor. I can get the OEM one out with the power steering pump in... but I can't torque the replacement. Power steering pump needs to come BACK out.
So, I'm calling it a day for today. LOL
I did order the plug for the PCV bypass system, new knock sensor connector kits (the pins specified for my connectors were wrong and I don't feel like finding the right ones, so I'm just getting new connectors entirely) and a starter solenoid connector kit, because I totally forgot to order one when I bought the rest. I also ordered some resistors I need to allow me to 12V switch a couple inputs on the Motec PDM since I need to use a 12V switch for at least the ignition "wake up" input, as well a 5 pin connector to terminate to the Motec "UTC - USB to CAN" connector. They sell a connector kit for like 40 dollars, but I looked at it and it's clearly just 5 pin XLR, so I ordered a 2 pack for 7 dollars that should work just fine.