Question for the crew at large: Sensors. Am I forgetting anything I should be monitoring? Here's what's planned so far:
Left/Right Bank Wideband (MoTeC LTCD, LSU 4.9)
Engine Coolant Temp (LowDoller)
Engine Coolant Pressure (LowDoller)
Oil Temp (Haltech/Universal)
Oil Pressure (OEM)
Supercharger Inlet Air Temp (OEM)
Supercharger Inlet Air Pressure (OEM)
Supercharger Outlet Air Temp (OEM)
Supercharger Outlet Pressure aka MAP (OEM)
Flex Alcohol %
Fuel Temp (Flex sensor)
Low Side (feed) Fuel Pressure (LowDoller)
High Side Fuel Pressure (OEM)
Pan Pressure (LowDoller)
Brake Switch (OEM)
Clutch Switch High and Low (OEM)
VSS (Transmission)
Wheel Speed (All 4, OEM via CAN)
Ambient Air Temp (Adding a second OEM TMAP)
Ambient Air Pressure (Adding a second OEM TMAP)
Transmission Oil Temp (OEM)
GPS (10 hz, MoTeC)
DBW/Pedal Position, Cam position, crank position (Obviously)
I -have- EGT inputs available on my MoTeC E888, but I really don't think that's super necessary and it's probably 900 dollars in sensors and a TON of wiring I don't want to deal with. I don't see a huge need for brake or clutch pressure sensors for my usage, either.
I'm finalizing some parts orders and diagrams and want to make sure I'm not missing anything obvious that I should be monitoring, since adding it later is annoying.

I ALMOST ordered up a MoTeC PDM15 to run the engine, but honestly, I'm not sure I see much benefit. My current plan reuses the OEM fusebox with the OEM relays/fuses doing the same jobs they did stock. Putting a PDM in means I don't have to deal with changing a fuse/relay I guess, but I'll still have that fusebox for all of the OEM jobs. I am definitively not buying the 2x PDM30s I'd need to rebuild the entire chassis with PDM as that sounds like a terrible job and would cost me like 7k which is a lot for giggles.