Made a bit more progress this weekend. Less than I hoped due to competing commitments, but it is what it is.
Fuel lines are done.
Trans and diff coolers are mounted, lines are run.
Integration of the wiring is mostly finished.
I put the lithium battery in the car and lightly mounted it, then turned power back on in the chassis and tested that my security system bypasses seem to work (they do), and that my start button lights up the right color (it does). I think I might be lighting my "start button" red whenever I press the clutch down, but I'll look at adding a control for that in the CAN gateway at a future date as that's pretty easy to do.
Add fuel line pressure sensor (need a connector)
Finish integration between the front harnesses (need a connector and a little soldering/crimping/glue shrink)
Run the wiring for the wideband through the firewall grommet.
Run the wiring for the fuel pump module through the firewall grommet.
Mount/wire the fuel pump module and MSD voltage booster.
Ground block to chassis
Ground trans to chassis
Wire starter solenoid (extend Aston starter relay wiring to GM starter)
Wire starter/alternator power (build a couple of main power leads)
That should, in theory, be enough to let me wake up the ECU and talk to it via HP Tuners, and disable VATS, etc. I'll do a voltage check on the ECU to make sure I'm not going to fry it first.

Engine oil
Transmission oil
Diff oil
Pressure test fuel system
Vacuum/pressure test cooling system
Vacuum/pressure test supercharger cooling system
Bleed brakes/clutch
Test fire!
Oh, and I really need to get those half-shafts done. Once it's running I'll put suspension back together and start sorting out A/C CAN control wiring, CAN gateway, cooling fans/vacuum pump/intercooler pump/A/C sensors/etc.