There was a similar post on Vantages a few months back. I picked one up about 3 years ago with rod knock (after some research, it seems to be a common issue that no one seems to notice or talk about) for a great price. It's been on the back burner until recently. While I was waiting to investigate the carnage, I came across a cheap, spare, engine that I am currently swapping. Long term plans would likely be an LS/LT (have a couple other engines in mind as well) but I want to see if I like the platform before I go off the deep end. A lift would make ownership much easier but I'm getting by with a QuickJack with the elevation limitations in my garage.
Overall, I'm pretty impressed with what I've seen in terms of build quality and chassis engineering as I tear the car apart and think it's something I'll probably invest more time/money into than the FD, long term. My biggest gripe is the, expected, Aston tax on everything. Hard to justify $3500 - 4000, single-plate, clutches (parts alone) that last as little as 15-20k miles and it's the primary driver to thinking about alternative drivetrain options, long term.