A Model S P100D. Cuz they're neato.
I really, really like what Tesla (both in my stocks and for the world in general) is doing and EV is the future. Plus, my kid is dreaming of working for anything involving Elon when he graduates.
My problem with Tesla is they use their customers as Beta testers. Effectively, "we didn't test it well enough in our own development, so please do it for free for us". As an automotive engineer, that just doesn't sit well with me. I agree Tesla is likely helping push EV's be a more widespread offering by manufacturers, but the company itself I can't get behind.
I have no problem with anything TSLA has done. My problem is more with the hate and "fake news" I've seen involved with Tesla.
The recent fire that took 4 hours to put out, that was ALLLLLLLLLLLLL over the news? Firefighters are like.. WUT? We had it out in 3-4 minutes and hung out for 4 hours of cool time. Car crash by a guy who died after apparently deciding to climb in the back seat after setting autopilot and ending his YOLO.
Or Ford coming out last week bashing with just what you said.. customers being used as Beta testers, as Ford is doing a shit job and trying to get their footing in EV with a terrible "Mustang". At least GM paid half ass attention a couple years ago after they flopped on the EV1 and the Prius started kicking ass with the hybrid model. Ford, of which I'm a lifelong fan of, really dicked the dog.
I'd dare say they're more on top of issues than any of the big 3 pigs who have gotten their asses handed to them due to, basically, arrogance.
I'm all in on TSLA, It's probably more fair to say I'm probably a little gay for Musk. His attitude of "Tell me I cant? Fuck you I'm already doing it" is inspiring.