So, I’m looking to invest in some tools and I’m thinking about getting some alignment/setup tools. Specifically:
Corner scales
String alignment kit
Camber/caster setup gauges
Yep, that'll get you started. Also, make a rack stop that inserts on one side of the rack, then use a ratchet strap or strong bungee cord to hold torque on the steering wheel to keep the rack stop in place. Make sure the rack ends up centered with the stop in place. Always have the stop in place for all alignment adjustments, not just toe.
Make sure to check bump steer on BOTH sides, front and rear. Align first, THEN move the steering wheel on the splines to center it. Make sure your string setup references the center of the car, as defined by the location of the inner control arm bolts, or else you're wasting your time. I know you're a Carroll Smith fan, read "Prepare to Win", he covers all this in detail.
I'm amazed at "pro shops" doing "race alignments" with no rack stop, no scales, toe not referenced to car centerline, and no checking of bump steer. All are critical, IMHO. For fun, ask a typical alignment tech to explain bump steer, what causes it, how to adjust it. Then be glad you're doing your own alignment.