Looks like most every employer in VA is exempt, which makes me question why they even bothered. 
My wife works for a mail-order fashion company, and they're exempt too. I guess handbags and scarves are critical equipment. 
I ran into an old friend yesterday whose wife works for a printing company. She got an exemption letter too.
Not so sure what's so critical about printing these days, unless they do a lot of labels for food products.
She did send a pic of pallets of Trump campaign posters. If Blackface Northam had seen that I'm sure he would've shut them down too. LOL
Everyone I know is essential. I have two sons still at home, one works for Jimmy Johns and one works for Goodcents subs. Both of them are essential. WTH. They've decided, however, to just lay low and not go in.
I think it's just a statement more than anything.. something along the line of: We can put orders in place, but we don't want to. Just don't be a bunch of dumbfucks, let this shit pass, and we will get on with our lives as soon as possible.
I work from home 100% of the time, so it's of zero consequence to me. I've also fought asthma my whole life.. a serious respiratory bug will wholly f**k me up, or end me, so I'm taking this serious.
My wife is working from home now, much to the protest of the owner of her company (insurance broker, which is also somehow essential.) He was pitching a fit that people wanted to work from home.. I told her that she can either work from home, or tell him to go take a shit, she's not dragging home some nasty ass virus.