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Author Topic: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design  (Read 59008 times)

Offline MerkLs2

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #105 on: April 12, 2020, 10:20:41 PM »
Hows the subframe coming along? Has the pandemic affected production at all?

I've been slower getting piece parts and deliveries but we have everything needed for the subframes in hand.  All the bending seems to have gone well and we're hitting tolerances within a few thousandths on the bending so I'm happy with that.  I did decided to design and have piece parts cut for a fixture so we can be sure we're putting things where we think we are.  I'm hoping that we're about two weeks out from launching, at this point steering parts may end up pacing the release.  Working on that.

By the way, here's the design for Ronin's FD trans mount. 

We are expecting those parts to come in from cutting in about a week.  Interfaces are common to Samberg but it cradles the isolator more like Ronin's FC trans mount and leaves nothing hanging down in the middle.  I was also able to design in this in a manner that used our FC trans mount bend profile.  Commonality helps us build in bigger batches and helps keep costs down.  Finally, I redesigned the inside sandwhich plates significantly so they land better while still using the extra bolt strategy to keep the plates in place.

Happy Easter to you all.

With prayers for safety, healthy, and good projects from our families to yours.

Wow looks great! Thanks for the update!!
93 FD BB • 6.0 LSx • Ronin Subframe • T56 Magnum •  Terminator X

Offline frijolee

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #106 on: April 23, 2020, 02:10:47 AM »
Hi y'all.  We're building parts like crazy and basically plan to go live with parts ready to go.  In the meantime, we're finally ready to announce pricing. 

Here's what we're looking at for the big stuff.  There will be two main website listings...  One for subframes only (for folks upgrading) and one as a kit for folks doing a new setup.  Of course we'll offer piece parts as well, but this will be the opening offer:

Version 1) Subframe Offering:
$899 Ronin FD Subframe: comes bare by default.  You've seen the protoype.  Can't wait to get pics up of the real deal (Soon soon, my precious...)

-$20 Builder's subframe: comes with engine mount section of the subframe loose and unwelded.  The idea is that you locate them yourself for use with an non Samberg subframe replacement, you can also cut up the loose mounts and use them (or not) for a 2JZ or custom engine mounting.
+$100 for powder coat (not to be combined with the builder's subframe since you'll of course want that bare)

Version 2) Kit Offering:
$1399 Ronin FD Engine Trans Kit (includes subframe, pedestals, trans mount, eng/trans isolators (all bare) as well as the complete bump steer kit)

-$20 Builder's subframe: subframe portion comes with engine mounts loose and unwelded.  The idea is that you locate them yourself for use with an non Samberg replacement, you can also cut up the loose mounts and use them (or not) for a 2JZ or custom engine mounting.
+$150 for powder coated subframe, pedestals, and trans mount (not to be combined with the builder's kit, we assume if you want it bare, you want it all bare)

Choose a rear end to match:
+$600 for a Samberg rear end (we only have 5 left and they're all powder coated so we're pricing these dearly, our own OEM style rear is coming)
+$1100 for a Ronin 8.8 (only $500 more than the Samberg gets you into a Ronin 8.8!)
+$1700 for a Ronin Grande 8.8 (do it once and make it bad ass).

Joel (for RSW)

PS we also plan to offer a headhunter's refund if you post pictures with your old subframe in the trash.  Details forthcoming...  :secret:
« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 05:31:37 PM by frijolee »
LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline dtsan

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #107 on: April 23, 2020, 09:26:46 AM »
woooott!!! thanks for the update! looking forward to getting this engine in!

Offline MerkLs2

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #108 on: April 23, 2020, 12:36:22 PM »
This is the update I've been waiting for! Can't wait to get my hands on this  :grin:
93 FD BB • 6.0 LSx • Ronin Subframe • T56 Magnum •  Terminator X

Offline Daniel1286

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #109 on: April 24, 2020, 08:48:29 AM »
FD Engine Trans Kit+powder coat+Ronin Grande 8.8+long tubes.
I just want you guys to know it's going to be your fault when my wife leaves me after all this stuff arrives at my house. I better get a sticker or something to make me feel better. Seriously though, I can't wait.

Offline korican_boy

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #110 on: April 25, 2020, 10:41:48 PM »
Joel when are you starting to take payments & any idea on time frame on when you can start distributing the kit? Very excited i just want to slap it in my car already haha.

Offline iStubz

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #111 on: April 28, 2020, 04:13:58 AM »
So if we go version one, is there any options to add the 8.8 kit, and the bump steer kit?
Some of us won’t be using T56, so trans Mount is useless to us.

Offline twiztid

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #112 on: April 28, 2020, 07:27:00 AM »
Can't wait guys! Keep up the great work. And take my money!

Offline Vtn86

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #113 on: May 03, 2020, 03:06:51 AM »
1. Turbotronic
2. dtsan
3. Tictakman
4. Herblenny
5. osburn383
6. Daniel1286
7. CKxx
8. Ls2swap
9. MerkLs2
10. Suprakid95
11. Exidous
12. fd3sls3
13. Tai-Lun
14. Venom13132
15. dankhank
16. rc80
17. markfluko
18. Dd2170
19. AHarada
20. Twiztid
21. koricanboy
22. 04G35S
23. iStubz
24. JDub014
25. jeffp5 (depending on price)
26. SEV8N
27. vtn86

Offline Joel

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #114 on: May 04, 2020, 05:25:56 PM »
1. Turbotronic2. dtsan3. Tictakman4. Herblenny5. osburn3836. Daniel12867. CKxx8. Ls2swap9. MerkLs210. Suprakid9511. Exidous12. fd3sls313. Tai-Lun14. Venom1313215. dankhank16. rc8017. markfluko18. Dd217019. AHarada20. Twiztid21. koricanboy22. 04G35S23. iStubz24. JDub01425. jeffp5 (depending on price)26. SEV8N27. vtn86
28. Joel

Offline Venom13132

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Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #115 on: May 05, 2020, 07:32:08 AM »
1. Turbotronic
2. dtsan
3. Tictakman
4. Herblenny
5. osburn383
6. Daniel1286
7. CKxx
8. Ls2swap
9. MerkLs2
10. Suprakid95
11. Exidous
12. fd3sls3
13. Tai-Lun
14. Venom13132
15. dankhank
16. rc80
17. markfluko
18. Dd2170
19. AHarada
20. Twiztid
21. koricanboy
22. 04G35S
23. iStubz
24. JDub014
25. jeffp5 (depending on price)
26. SEV8N
27. vtn86
28. Joel
1995 RX-7 Voodoo Blue- LS3, TR6060: Full Feed wide body, 57DR 18's, K-Sport coil-overs, 99 spec\ tails and Carbon Fiber spoiler, SpeedHut Gauges, Aeromotive fuel system, TwinZ Diffuser, Texas Speed LS3 Stage 2 v2 Cam Kit, Comp Cam's Rockers, McLeod Racing 6405507M RXT Street Twin Clutch kit, ATI-1918628 - Super Damper/balancer, Lot's of other stuff.
2010 Cadillac Escalade: Daily Driver and pulls my 18' car hauler

Offline frijolee

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #116 on: May 05, 2020, 02:36:26 PM »
FYI, I'm shooting to get the listings up on the Ronin website this weekend, so we're almost there.

Subframes welding is going well and we've worked out a couple tweaks to the process that we're happy with.  We're going to be 100% test fitting this first batch to be sure it's landing right.  Steering and trans mounts will be the pacing items so we may not have those ready to go right when this goes live, but it shouldn't be more than a couple weeks since all those are being built in house.   Trans fixture is done, we just need to start making them.

(for RSW)
LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)

Offline Turbotronic

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #117 on: May 05, 2020, 05:44:33 PM »
FYI, I'm shooting to get the listings up on the Ronin website this weekend, so we're almost there.

Subframes welding is going well and we've worked out a couple tweaks to the process that we're happy with.  We're going to be 100% test fitting this first batch to be sure it's landing right.  Steering and trans mounts will be the pacing items so we may not have those ready to go right when this goes live, but it shouldn't be more than a couple weeks since all those are being built in house.   Trans fixture is done, we just need to start making them.

(for RSW)

^Cool. Look forward to it.

Offline Daniel1286

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #118 on: May 12, 2020, 03:23:36 PM »
Any news?

Offline frijolee

Re: FD LSx swap subframe - RONIN's design
« Reply #119 on: May 13, 2020, 08:41:39 PM »
Any news?

Mothers day stuff took priority over the listing, but doesn't change the timeline in which we'll be able to ship parts.  I plan to give the folks who requested notice 24 hours to take a crack at presales when that goes live before we post widely (forums, social media etc) to take advantage of the free shipping we'll open with for the first few orders.

LS2 stroker FC, Mandeville big brakes, widebody, etc
Build thread:

LargeOrangeFont says: "Joel is right, and I love Joel. But his car sounds like the wrath of God."   ;)