Yea man - all stock 5.3L - nothing crazy.
I have been doing some research and I have discovered a few things,
as much as I can understand.There are a lot of people on various forums using smog pumps for crankcase pressure to somewhat of a success. And by looking at some aftermarket vacuum pumps - to me they look like glorified smog pumps - same design/ look - at least from the outside.
Some other folks are using electrical pumps - specifically a gm type found in many cars like corvette, camaro, GMC, etc. Hell one company is buying them from GM - removing the stickers, adding a plastic tank and selling them as their own product. When I saw it in the catalog today I couldn't believe my eyes.
However, they are not continuous duty so they are no good to me. I guess they work ok for a few minutes at the drag strip. They work better to suck moisture and stuff for people running alcohol. Sarcastically the moisture kills them much faster.
Anyways, I went to the junkyard today and got
an actual vacuum pump from an older model 7.3L Powerstroke engine. I have not been able to get official info but from the forums online they can pull 21-25 in Hg which in my opinion is pretty good. I think 7 - 13 in Hg is necessary for our engines - correct me if I am wrong.

Now it's a matter of finding/ making some pulleys with the correct ratios and trying it out.
I also ordered a Moroso vacuum relief to install in one of my valve covers since I already have a -12 An bung welded on there.
If you guys have any info/ opinions it would be great help.
Another thing - the vacuum pumps online are measured in CFM - I guess thats how much air are displacing but i do not know how to relate it to the "In Hg."