If your pedal won't move at all with the bleeder closed, you may have a defective master. But, assuming that's not the case, I have a McLeod HTOB in my T101a that is the absolute worst bleed of anything I've ever done in my life (it took me TWO DAYS to figure out how to bleed it). There was ONLY one way of bleeding this thing after I tried everything else.
I threaded a fitting into the bleed line, and then used a mightyvac to pull about 20" of vacuum on the line. Slowly press pedal, watch bubbles leave the line, slowly back up. The problem with doing the press/release only was that there is too much air in the line to actually evacuate it. One stroke would not push the air out far enough, and it would just creep back up into the line and repeat with every stroke. With vacuum pulled on the bleed line, with every press, you can watch the air bubble continue down stream until it's completely worked out of the line.