Hey guys,
I know very little about electricity and/or wiring so I'm turning to you guys for a bit of an assist. (I feel like this is the most basic of electrical questions, so I'm really opening myself up for some serious ridicule....of which I'm likely deserving)
I'm working on building a little portable speaker box guy, I've got it all cut and ready for the parts to mount. I've got my battery (
This is it, for referenceI've got my amp, and I've got a voltmeter/USB charger and I have 2 SPST switches with 2 contacts.
How the fuck do I wire it up so I can flip a switch to power the amp and then flip another switch to power the voltmeter/charger??
I put it together quickly at work and I thought it was supposed to be a loop, I feel like I'm missing something big.

Like I just have the positive going into the amp...then it stops and out comes the negative. Does the positive need to loop back to the battery? What am I missing...I also have an inline fuse holder so I don't blow up my battery or catch myself on fire...so where should I put that?
If anyone has any suggestions, I'm fully open ears. The videos I had watched had 3 contact SPST switches where it was ground, load, and power....which made sense to me, but I got switches that only have 2 contacts. (I was using this for my idea of wiring:
https://youtu.be/OfDi-DxL86E )
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask...I was trying to get this done to take on a trip on Friday....so we'll see!
Other pertinent info: Amp =
http://www.daytonaudio.com/index.php/kab-250-2x50w-class-d-audio-amplifier-board-with-bluetooth-4-0.htmlI also have female and male power pigtails...