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Author Topic: 4.3 1984 FB wiring Q & A  (Read 1733 times)

Offline Puffallo

4.3 1984 FB wiring Q & A
« on: January 19, 2018, 12:09:17 PM »
Ok so im making this thread because i searched around and everyone talks about fc and fds but theres very little about fb's.

Lets talk stock gauges for 84-85 12A[attach=1]

Oil pressure gauge. front left strut tower, brown with yellow stripe. how do you wire this in when you swap an engine?

Voltage gauge, this should work if you attach the rx7 main battery wires to the new battery wires you have.

Tachometer, front left strut tower, yellow with green stripe. if anyone knows which wire on the cluster itself controls the tach let me know because im going to use that wire to go straight to the ecu on my 4.3 since the computer is in the car, if you know which wire that comes out of the stock rx7 computer that connects to the gauge that would work too

speedometer. grannys website says that there is a speed sensor on the speedo, its black with a red stripe, does this only read the speed coming through the cable for the stock ecu? also what speedometers can you put behind the gauge to have a working speedo, gps or not, also any other variants of the integra speedo swap for the fc that can work for the fb

coolant temp gauge, yellow with white stripe, front left strut tower. how can i make this wire work on my 4.3, and do i need any special connectors or resistors. also my ecu doesnt even know what the temperature is so id like to know how to fix that.

fuel gauge. well you shouldnt have to mess with these wires since the stock fuel pump is external, if anyone wants to elaborate go ahead but i dont see a need. im asking these questions to help me out but i put a bunch of info in one place for others to read

Offline Puffallo

Re: 4.3 1984 FB wiring Q & A
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2018, 03:43:02 PM »
Ok, so I can't find the oil pressure wire and I tried both of the wires that were supposed to go to my tach and neither did anything at all, my oil pressure stayed at 0 and my tach stayed at 0, can someone show me the wires I have to hook up to? I have the oil pressure signal and rpm signal wires from my engine ran I just need to see visually where they hook up to..

Offline Puffallo

Re: 4.3 1984 FB wiring Q & A
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2018, 09:21:23 AM »
 :banghead: i just realized i messed up my tach a while back, i was reading a tutorial on how to make it pick up 6 cylinder tach blah blah blah anyways i seen smoke come up from it so im pretty sure i messed it up. anyone know how to find a broken resistor or something

Offline Puffallo

Re: 4.3 1984 FB wiring Q & A
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2018, 09:55:00 AM »
Still can't find the oil pressure wire, or at least it's not working so if someone can help me figure this out that would be great

Offline Puffallo

Re: 4.3 1984 FB wiring Q & A
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2018, 06:32:02 PM »
the white #10 wire on the green connector from the 2003 ecu is the tach signal 4cyl. you need  to get a 1k resistor and splice it in between the computer and tach with a power wire for it to even move the tach.