Been a tuning nightmare fighting the wastegate issue. Here is what happened:
Huron Speed wastegate comes with a 7lb spring installed, and a 4,14, and 17 spring in the box. I only want around 10psi, so we started tuning with the installed 7lb spring. After 3 good pulls of consistent 3lbs of boost, we figured we had a boost leak somewhere. After investigation, we found the wastegates were opening at 3lbs of boost. We pulled them apart and found springs that looked just like the 4lb springs in the box. We figured the wrong springs were installed at assembly. We contacted Huron Speed, and he informed us that we did in fact have the 7lb springs. They look REALLY close to the 4lb springs.
Well, they open at 3psi, so they do us no good. I did not want to put on the 14lb springs because I don't want to harm the motor. We hooked up a manual boost controller to the 4lb springs, and could only get 7psi before the boost would blow by the controller and actuate the wastegates. We need larger springs.
A boost controller only controls boost up from spring size, and not down so I did not want to slap in the 14's and give it a try. We set up shop air on a pressure gauge and tested each of the springs in the Huron Speed gates to see where they open. The 4lb opens at 1lb, the 7lb opens at 4lbs, the 14lb opens at 7lbs, and the 17lb opens at 12lbs. To see how that compares to a Tial wastegate, we had one laying around with a Tial 12lb spring in it. With the same tool, the 12lb opened at 12lbs! I have no explanation of why the Huron springs actuate way below their labeled numbers, but they do. This cost us 2 dyno days to figure out. We did a run with the Huron gates and Huron 14lb springs with no boost controller, and it only gave us 7lbs (just like our tool predicted).
I have since ordered a Turbosmart dual stage boost controller, and left the 12lb (opens at 7lb) springs in. I will use the 12lb (opens at 7lb) springs as my low boost setting and shoot for 10lbs as my high setting. 7lbs of boost gave us a 550RWHP number and we should be 650+ on 10psi. That will be 100RWHP at a flick of a switch.