Called my buddy who owns an autobody shop, he said because this guy is someone doing work on the side getting money out of him will be basically impossible, which I figured anyway, even if he had his own shop.
Here's the photos of the car when the pearl went down, you can see it's a bit blotchy:

He sent me this photo highlighting the largest problem area:

And then when he put the candy down,
Like I said the color wasn't right, and he sent a video showing the red sharpie coming through the candy:

Vid of the sharpie showing

When the car was in black base coat it looked best and I confirmed with the manufacturer that I could technically put matte top coat over the gloss, but no guarantees it'll go back to how it looked.
Given that from these photos the black looks as good or better than factory paint... I don't think I'll touch it.
Also he finally agreed to wipe out the second half of payment. So I got a black autoflex job for 1k or the cost of the materials only. Picking up the car tonight, and you could tell he sent me some photos of the car to help make me feel a bit better: