That's a lot of money for sure...with that said I'm having trouble grasping a couple things here:
1) why would anyone on this forum who owns an FD not be quietly sitting back and praying he sells it for $70k which would clearly redefine the market.
2) why, in general, does it bother people so damn much when someone posts something that they believe is over priced? Who cares, move on!
3) for those who are saying "dude, it's a 90's Mazda, you're not gonna get Corvette money"...ya, I said that once about a 90's's called a Supra and a '95 went for just shy of $100k the other day, and they hit the numbers were talking here almost every day.
Long and short, if you can't afford it don't bash him.
Good luck with the sale man...I've followed the build thread, very few exist quite like yours.