The car's finally back on the road. Plenty of bugs to work out with the DCT, but the bulk of the new stuff has been problem-free.
Surprisingly not a single leak from all fabricated cooling parts, new hoses, pumps, etc.
The rad, oil HX, and DCT HX work well. The car warms up quick and stays cool. I did put in a new OEM thermostat and it runs hotter than my 5.3, but I think it's just the 187F tstat.
Coolant temps are around 195, oil temps 205, DCT 175F.
All the PDM stuff and new wiring is working correctly.
The Intercooler works, but IATs are "hot". I think it's mostly because the new sensor is in the intake manifold, right over the water pump and gets heat soaked. IATs actually drop if I do a pull.
The water temps leaving and entering the IC heat exchanger are very reasonable. They're very close to the ambient air temp probe I have behind the bumper, and maybe 10F warmer than actual weather ambient temps. IATs are usually around 100F, but I'm not confident it's actually that warm. All intake air for the turbos is ducted to the front bumper.
My main issues right now are to do with the DCT setup. The MaxxECU really wants to see a rear wheel speed so that it can validate the DCT output shaft speed to calculate clutch slip.
I only have a front VSS (kit for FCs that I make). I changed that input in Maxx to be a "rear" wheel speed, so that the DCT will work, but it has issues. If I have tire slip, the front VSS isn't going to go up, but RPM will. Since the ECU thinks the front VSS is actually the rear VSS, it thinks that wheel spin is actually clutch slip and will cut the engine to save the clutches from getting smoked.
I actually re-installed the OEM tone ring for the Ford 8.8" when i did the Truetrac, but never got the OEM sensor working. I messed around with that this week and found that it's a "Active" sensor and outputs a 1.85V-3.55V square wave with some resistors and crap to work with a conventional digital input. MaxxECU doesn't let you change the voltage thresholds for the generics digital inputs, so I'm not sure I'll be able to make it work. I'm currently waiting on a new sensor and pigtail so I can wire it properly.
Other than that, the car drives pretty decent. Auto mode works surprisingly well for just cruising around. I haven't gotten to the point where I'm playing with throttle blipping and rev matching yet.
There are a few bugs that I need to contact customer support and see what's up. The clutches don't disengage when I come to a stop reliably and nearly stalls the engine. My car idles around 900rpm, which is 50% higher than an OEM M4, but apparently the MaxxECU is supposed to send target idle to the trans? TBD. I'm just happy to drive the car again.
I only drove the car a small amount last fall before the turbo grenaded, but I'm pretty confident that it was damaged nearly from the beginning.
In order to make wastegate pressure, I needed quite a bit of dome pressure. With the replaced turbo and new intercooler, it makes gate pressure on gate and seems peppier everywhere.
It makes enough power on the 3psi gate springs to spin the tires in 3rd gear and will make that 3psi by like 2000 rpm lol.
I've got most of next week off work, so I hope to put a bunch of miles on it and work out more bugs.