Cooling system is done, with the exception of plumbing the oil cooler and DCT cooler.
The IC mount turned out pretty decent. I used an Amazon manual tubing bender (cheap Chinese kit with multiple mandrel sizes). The 3/4" 1/8" wall 6061 was about max of what the bender could safely do I think. It was not fun to bend, but turned out sturdy enough.
I got to try out the thumb trigger on my AHP welder and it wasn't as bad as I was expecting to tack the pipe up. I did have to plug the welder into 120V, which caps the welder at 150A. If I welded for more than maybe 10s, it'd trip my 15A 120V breaker lol. It got the job done, though.
The IC sits on little 3/4" OD silicone isolator studs. The silicone couplers do the majority of the work holding up the IC, though.
One annoyance is I made the IC sit level and square to the engine (balancer). The radiator stack I mounted square to the chassis and shock towers. I didn't account for the fact that the engine isn't perfectly centered and straight in the chassis, so the IC and rad aren't parallel. Oh well.
It's still quick and easy to change the serp belt without having to disconnect anything on the IC.
I'm still debating on whether I want to make a heat shield for the IC, powder coat it, or wrap it in some kind of insulation. It's definitely going to heat soak being that close to the radiator, but I'm not sure there's much I can do. OEM and aftermarket BMW intercoolers are also bare metal and mounted on top of the engine. I don't think this could be much worse.
Yesterday I started on mounted and wiring the PDM. I'm honestly not using much from it at the moment. I'm mostly using it to power the ECU, DCT, Dash/CAN devices, interooler pump, and misc 12V standalone stuff like wideband and boost solenoids. I do have plenty of extra that I can add in down the road.