Couple things to update. I sold my whole DCT setup and bought a new setup. Now that MaxxECU can control the Gen2 DCTs (overdrive), there's no reason for me to have a standalone controller that adds complexity and tuning challenge. I bought another used DCT, a new Domiworks adapter kit (dampened input spline this time), and a MaxxECU DCT harness. MaxxECU worked with an existing BMW tuner (xHP) to use their OBD flash tuning with the DCT and MaxxECU. I bought a bluetooth OBD dongle and will be able to change a few transmission settings and flash different tunes to the DCT from my phone.
I'm getting started on the new cooling system. I 3D printed the first design over the weekend. Because my printer is limited to 10x8x8", I split it into quarters and printed everything into 2 24hr prints. It fits pretty damn well for a first pass. I designed it as sheet metal in Solidworks and converted to a solid for printing.
The cooler uses two Garrett '750hp' water-air intercooler cores in series.
I split the inlet in half left-right for each turbo and they outlet is a common end tank with a 3.5" outlet.
Still not sure if I want to plumb cooling in dual pass or single pass, or what size hose to use.
There's a glut of used Nascar radiators and oil coolers on eBay. I'm planning on buying a used oil cooler, which are almost the exact size of my radiator, and using it for a IC heat exchanger. 26x18x1.5 and high-end C&R, PWR, Setrab cores.
I'm planning on using a Pierburg CWA200 water pump. They're brushless and OEM quality, and the MaxxECU can control it out of the box.
I also bought a Howe 27x19" radiator with a pretty large oil cooler built in. My plan is to use the rad oil cooler for engine oil and add the 300mm Laminova oil cooler to the lower rad hose for DCT oil.
I've already ordered a manual tube bender and some 3/4" DOM tubing to make lower radiator supports. The rad/HX will also get ducted to the front bumper opening once everything is mounted.